The story of three girlfriends who go back to Kalamazoo, Michigan for their 10 year high school reunion. There, they discover that a time capsule placed on their graduation night containing predictions would be opened. Horrified at the thought of having their unfulfilled goals made public, the three women decide to find the time capsule and destroy it before it is opened.
A nurse apprentice, who had a bad day at work, meets a computer programmer at a car garage. The man is urged to go somewhere, but his car is not ready yet, so the nurse offers him a ride. Before leaving the man, they pick up the nurse's baby nephew. Once on the street, they almost run over a young man. Not knowing if he is hurt, they pick up the man too. But the worst luck begins when the car brakes break down
Jack Ryan es un ex agente de la CIA. Salir de aquel mundillo, tan peculiar, donde el peligro y la acción forman parte del día a día, no ha sido una decisión fácil. Pero no se arrepiente porque ahora, por primera vez, tiene una vida familiar. Durante unas vacaciones en Londres, por casualidad, mientras pasean por la ciudad, son testigos de un atentado contra Lord Holmes, un distinguido miembro de la Familia Real Británica. En medio de la confusión, los gritos y las llamas, su entrenamiento en la CIA hace reaccionar a Ryan automáticamente. Sale a defender a Lord Holmes y al hacerlo, le salva la vida, aunque para ello tiene que matar a uno de los terroristas. El atentado es atribuido al I.R.A..