Nathan Bexton

Nathan Bexton

Nacimiento : 1977-02-26, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Nathan Bexton was born on February 26, 1977 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He is an actor and director, known for Go (1999), 2 Dudes and a Dream (2009) and Psycho Beach Party (2000).


Nathan Bexton
Nathan Bexton


Caller ID: Entity
Three graduate students accept to participate in a confidential research as part of a psychopathology class. The students develop devices capable of recording and analyzing human brain patterns. As the assignments unfold, they discover that this eerie study has much more serious consequences then they could have ever imagine.
2 Dudes and a Dream
2 Dudes and a Dream is as visually compelling as it is sardonically hilarious. Ripe with parody and satire the film taps into the spirit of independent cinema coupled with studio accessibility. This film is intently accessible to a broad demographic ranging from 15 to 45 saturated with pop culture and sophisticated comedic timing. There is an eclectic spectrum of farcical wit and situational comedy. This hyper-realized piece is cinematically shot in the essence of a stylized drama with dark comedic undertones all the while maintaining the light hearted nature of the plot. This hilarious parody is engineered to enthrall those prone to MTV and those prone to CNN, giving the profit margin and box office potential the ability to thrive. This film truly has the potential to become a cult classic yet compete directly with any studio comedy released.
2 Dudes and a Dream
2 Dudes and a Dream is as visually compelling as it is sardonically hilarious. Ripe with parody and satire the film taps into the spirit of independent cinema coupled with studio accessibility. This film is intently accessible to a broad demographic ranging from 15 to 45 saturated with pop culture and sophisticated comedic timing. There is an eclectic spectrum of farcical wit and situational comedy. This hyper-realized piece is cinematically shot in the essence of a stylized drama with dark comedic undertones all the while maintaining the light hearted nature of the plot. This hilarious parody is engineered to enthrall those prone to MTV and those prone to CNN, giving the profit margin and box office potential the ability to thrive. This film truly has the potential to become a cult classic yet compete directly with any studio comedy released.
Basement Jack
The Manager
A young serial killer preys on families during lightning storms.
The Manager
An alien bacterium resurrects the dead on Earth.
Play Dead
Dale Spitler
A gay high-school student learns that the teen wrestler he pines for has died in a car accident. But that's only the start of the romance.
Psycho Beach Party
Una adolescente con un labio leporino, un chaval con soriasis, un joven con un solo testículo... En las playas de Malibú de los años 60 un asesino está acabando con los chicos y chicas que tienen algún rasgo que los hace diferentes a los demás. “Yogurcito” es una aspirante a surfista con múltiples personalidades que se convierte en la principal sospechosa. ¿Puede ser ella la homicida sin saberlo? ¿Será su madre con su aversión por los hombres la que está detrás de los crímenes? ¿O quizás alguno de los surfistas?
The In Crowd
A mentally disturbed young woman takes a job at a posh country club and falls in with a clique of wealthy college kids where she's taken under the wing of the clique's twisted leader, who harbors some dark secrets too terrifying to tell.
Los chicos del maíz 666 VI: El regreso de Isaac
Hannah Martin está viajando en busca de su madre biológica. Por el camino recoge en su coche a un extraño y oscuro personaje que provocará una misteriosa cadena de sucesos. Poco puede Hannah imaginar que ha ayudado a completar la siniestra profecía hecha hace 19 años por Isaac, el líder de la famosa secta de los niños poseídos por fuerzas demoníacas.
Viviendo sin límites
Ronna (Sarah Polley) necesita dinero, Simon (Desmond Askew) quiere pasar el fin de semana en Las Vegas. Por su parte, Adam (Scott Wolf) y Zack (Jay Mohr), aunque no quieren meterse en líos están a punto de embarcarse en una aventura que no acabará hasta que amanezca.
Verónica, una joven veinteañera, tiene dos amantes diametralmente opuestos. Abel es un crítico de rock ingenioso y encantador, mientras que Zed es un rudo y musculoso batería de una banda de punk. Ambos están locos por Verónica, que a la vez ama a ambos por igual. Se establece un triángulo emocional en el que los tres personajes aman, luchan, sufren y disfrutan de este ménage-a-trois. Pero cuando todo parece encajar, Verónica conoce a Ernest, el hombre que parece reunir lo mejor de ambos mundos.
Un grupo de jóvenes en plena época de drogas, en la que tomar ácido es la moda, comienza a experimentar. Pronto acabarán siendo esclavos de su propia locura, llegando a "estar presentes en abducciones alienígenas", olas de suicidios colectivos, actos de bisexualidad...