Christian Meola


Jaws vs. Kraken
Something shocking is happening in the abyss around Guadalupe Island. Photos of great whites with strange scars believed to be from giant squids have surfaced. Dr. Tristan Guttridge leads a mission to get a glimpse into the battles between the two beasts.
Contando tiburones
Los encuentros con tiburones en la costa de California se están disparando. Un equipo de investigadores tiene la misión de investigar un punto caliente de tiburones blancos recién descubierto cerca de las playas más populares y determinar cuántos tiburones blancos hay allí. Su expedición les llevará a enfrentarse a algunos de los mayores tiburones del planeta.
Contando tiburones
Los encuentros con tiburones en la costa de California se están disparando. Un equipo de investigadores tiene la misión de investigar un punto caliente de tiburones blancos recién descubierto cerca de las playas más populares y determinar cuántos tiburones blancos hay allí. Su expedición les llevará a enfrentarse a algunos de los mayores tiburones del planeta.
Yelling Fire In An Empty Theater
In this MiniDV curio, a young woman moves to New York and becomes entangled in her roommates’ tumultuous relationship.
The Expanding Horizon
A 16-year-old asks his drug dealer classmate for an unusual request.
The Expanding Horizon
A 16-year-old asks his drug dealer classmate for an unusual request.
A woman's finds a disturbing photograph on the supermarket floor. It leads to her own abduction.
Trump Blows Trump
Donald Trump gives himself a blow job.
Boys of My Youth
Through eerie iPhone photographs of empty high school hallways and dimly lit locker rooms, a narrator reflects on his teenage sexual repression.
Need for Speed
Three girls drive around Hollywood without paying much attention to the road.
Wild Nights
Blaine moves to LA and befriends a group of musicians, but they don't know he's carrying a dark secret and a reputation as one of America's most notorious murder suspects.
Needle Fingers
Needle Fingers
An artist is visited every night by a creature from one of her paintings, who scratches the eyes out of her work.