Anna Iasonidou

Anna Iasonidou


Anna Iasonidou


Η Αλίκη της σύγχρονης γενιάς
Στην Πόλη Αγαπηθήκαμε
Καλάβρυτα 1821
Για την Τιμή και για τον Έρωτα
The Dead Brother's Oath
One of nine sons, Konstantis, convinces his mother to arrange the marriage of his only sister, Areti, to a stranger and swears on the Bible that he will go himself and fetch her if she is ever needed. When all nine sons succumb to an epidemic, leaving their mother alone, she curses Konstantis, who rises from his grave to find his sister and bring her back to the family home. Now thought to be a lost movie.
Ο Παλιάτσος
Μείνε κοντά μου αγαπημένε
Ένας Κλέφτης με Φιλότιμο
Κολωνάκι Διαγωγή Μηδέν
Liza Koutsomitrou
When an open-hearted folk man, a butcher of the profession, buys an apartment to stay with his family in a block of flats in a lush neighborhood, the tenants are colluding in order to get him away. The only defenders are the concierge and a general who will think of a clever way to correct the situation.
Αν Μιλούσε Το Παρελθόν Μου
Αιχμάλωτοι του πεπρωμένου
My Brother, the Lord
Martha Farnezi
A car electrician, Charis, spends all his money on tailors in order to give the appearance of a "lord". He constantly fights with his brother, Vasilis, who is also a day laborer (painter), saddled with all the joint expenses of the house. Charis believes that his looks will someday attract a rich wife and thus change his life and solve all his problems. Martha, however, the wealthy daughter of the shipowner Karapezis, falls in love with and marries his brother Vasilis (after he saved her life) without regard for her father's opinion or Vasilis' lack of money.
Ο μεγάλος όρκος
Όταν σημάνουν οι καμπάνες
Καϋμοί στη φτωχογειτονιά
Του χωρισμού ο πόνος