Sara Manzella


Melissa Rubinski
What could go wrong when a family of Die-Hard Buffalo Football Fans come together under one roof to watch their beloved team play in the biggest game ever? Everything.
Guns of Eden
Megan, a Buffalo police officer suffering from PTSD, goes on a weekend camping trip with her partner Jeremy and his friends Blake and Gabriella. When Megan and Jeremy witness an execution by a rogue sheriff's department, the quartet finds itself hunted by different factions of an armed militia.
Ombis: Alien Invasion
Lucy Greenheart
Metzburgh no es la ciudad perfecta. Hace años que su auge industrial ha quedado atrás, no obstante sus ciudadanos aman su hogar e intentan vivir lo mejor que pueden. Puede que tan buen ánimo y disposición sea lo que ha traído hasta la ciudad un nuevo virus alienígena en busca de residentes a los que “zombificar”. Ante semejante invasión solo Némesis, un habitante del origen natal del virus, puede frenar a las hordas de infectados que van propagando la enfermedad. Aunque para desgracia de los habitantes de Metzburgh, Némesis nunca ha entendido el concepto de “daños colaterales”.
Prisoners of the Dead
A group of convicts have found themselves stuck between the living and the bloodthirsty undead. The world as we know it is changing, a deadly virus has hit the United States. In the heart of a ravaged City, a small group of uninfected people team up with a group of convicts to take on the undead. With twist and turns around every corner will they survive the final night and