Director of Photography
In this cheeky comedy debut, two thieving boys take refuge at the local church in a small Irish town. When the parish priest leaves behind his briefcase, they embark on a self-appointed mission from God. But on their epic journey to the big city, the boys discover that the grown up world is a bit more complicated than it seems.
In this cheeky comedy debut, two thieving boys take refuge at the local church in a small Irish town. When the parish priest leaves behind his briefcase, they embark on a self-appointed mission from God. But on their epic journey to the big city, the boys discover that the grown up world is a bit more complicated than it seems.
Visual Effects Camera
Adaptación libre del mito de Perseo, hijo de Zeus, el padre de los dioses griegos. Perseo y su madre Dánae, son encerrados en un baúl por Acrisio, su abuelo, y arrojados al mar. Arrastrados por la corriente, llegan a la isla de Sérifos, donde Perseo alcanza la madurez. Cuando sepa cuál es la misión que le ha sido encomendada por el Destino, emprenderá un durísimo viaje, en el que tendrá que ir superando diversas pruebas.