A provocative erotic drama about a Japanese food delivery man, a Taiwanese prostitute and a Filipino cleaner who are swept up by their insatiable appetites for sex.
Long es un asesino taiwanés conocido por su habilidad con la espada. Tras fracasar en una misión en Japón, se traslada a un pequeño pueblo donde nadie le conoce.
Keiichi Yui
Mashiro Shibutani and her family live in Imizu, Toyama Prefecture. She spends her days by tending to her father’s bicycle store and taking care of her pet dog. She has a minor mental disability, but it doesn't affect her daily life. One day, she visits a shrine for her older brother's wedding. There, she meets photographer Keiichi Yui who came from Tokyo. Mashiro Shibutani accidentally presses the shutter button on Keiichi’s camera, which he left with her for a short while. Keiichi is fascinated by the pictures which Mashiro took on accident. Because of this, they get closer.
Las montañas del centro de Japón. Para pagar los gastos médicos para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de su madre, Yuku acepta un contrato lucrativo para matar a un extraño ciervo blanco que vive en el bosque en un pueblo remoto, y cuya presencia se cree que socava el turismo en la región. Sin embargo, cuando se aventura en el pueblo, descubre que el animal es venerado como un dios por la comunidad local, que vive en un estado de semi aislamiento del resto de la sociedad. Mientras evalúa sus responsabilidades éticas al llevar a cabo tal tarea, se acerca a los habitantes de la aldea, enfrentando sus emociones conflictivas sobre si deben seguir viviendo como "forasteros".
The movie features a tragic love story involving three main characters and spanning two decades. Lin plays an exchange student from Shanghai named Yue Lin. Ikeuchi plays a ski patrol member she meets in Yubari, Hokkaido.
Mamoru Hoshino
The movie features a tragic love story involving three main characters and spanning two decades. Lin plays an exchange student from Shanghai named Yue Lin. Ikeuchi plays a ski patrol member she meets in Yubari, Hokkaido.