Olga Fordowa


El joven Chopin
Fragmento clave de la biografía del gran compositor polaco Frédéric Chopin en el marco de los significativos eventos políticos ocurridos entre 1825 y 1830. Principal inspiración de su música, sus obras se vieron marcadas por las circunstancias que le rodeaban. La vida del genial artista a través de su magistral música
Border Street
Assistant Director
The story of Polish and Jewish families living side by side in one Warsaw street. Everything changes once and for all with the Nazi invasion.
The People of the Vistula
Assistant Director
A look at the lives of people who work on the barges and boats flowing across the Vistula River.
Describe the harsh reality attempts of establishing a Jewish settlement in Israel and the efforts of the Arab to prevent it. The film is considered as the first talking film in Palestine Israel.