About the Korpela movement or Siikavaara sect active during the 1930's in the far north of Sweden. Toivo Korpela a Laestadian preacher was outmanoeuvred by Sigurd Siikavaara and returned to Finland. Siikavaara who preferred apocalyptic beliefs and ecstatic rituals soon gathered a large following and became prophet #1. With Artur Niemi, prophet #2, he draped and enhanced the rituals with total sexual freedom. At the trial in 1939 Siikavaara assured that he had not been sober one day during the last 8 years. Chanting "Saatana, Saatana, Helvettin, Babylon,Perkele" over and over. Swearing and cursing all the way to Eden.
La cinta cuenta la historia terrenal, naturalista erótica y sangrienta de la malograda joven Martta en su romance con Oula, un pastor de renos mujeriego en la Laponia finlandesa de la década de 1940. Cuando la joven de 19 años de edad queda embarazada, su padre alcohólico se indigna, y a este acontecimiento le siguen una serie de eventos trágicos. (FILMAFFINITY)