Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins

Nacimiento : 1947-10-01, Des Moines, Iowa, USA


Stephen Collins


Oliver Twist - National Theatre
Bill Sikes
Filmed national theatre production of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist, made accessible for blind and deaf audiences.
Harkonnen Trooper
En un lejano futuro, la galaxia conocida es gobernada mediante un sistema feudal de casas nobles bajo el mandato del Emperador. Las alianzas y la política giran entorno a un pequeño planeta, Dune, del que extrae la "especia melange", la materia prima que permite los viajes espaciales. La Casa Atreides, bajo el mandato del Duque Leto Atreides recibe el encargo de custodiar el planeta, relevando en la encomienda a sus históricos enemigos, los Harkonnen. Paul Atreides, hijo del duque, se verá atrapado en las intrigas políticas mientras descubre el destino que le deparan los desiertos de Dune.
Dawn of the Deaf
On the eve of a catastrophic event which will wipe out the hearing population, we follow four deaf characters as they go about their daily lives.
In the confines of his disheveled bedsit, an agoraphobic young man is challenged to a game of connect 4. However it soon becomes apparent that this is no ordinary version of the parlor game that we are watching. What was designed for recreation has now become an obsessive addiction. Losing for him is no longer an option, but are the odds stacked against him, and the stake too high? A suspense drama........." Every move counts, but for some people things don't always fall into place".
The Egg Trick
Audience member
Do you know the joke about the broken egg?