Alice Caronna


La probabilidad estadística del amor a primera vista
First Assistant Director
Hadley y Oliver comienzan a enamorarse en su vuelo de Nueva York a Londres. La probabilidad de volver a encontrarse parece imposible, pero el amor, y Londres, pueden tener una forma de desafiar las probabilidades.
El amante de Lady Chatterley
First Assistant Director
Adaptación de la novela de D.H. Lawrence sobre una mujer que rompe con las formas y tradiciones de su tiempo cuando se desenamora de su marido y comienza una tórrida aventura con un hombre que trabaja en su finca inglesa.
First Assistant Director
Miss Fontaine es la institutriz de Lara, una adolescente de 15 años que vive totalmente sola en su hogar familiar y que necesita del cuidado de una 'tutora' para controlar su madurez. Desesperada por desatar la pasión sexual propia de su u edad, Lara cae rendida bajo el hechizo de la encantadora Carmilla. Las dos se ven envueltas en una apasionada relación que comienza a levantas las sospechas de aquellos que viven en las cercanías de la casa, especialmente del doctor de la familia.
After Louise
First Assistant Director
Kath, a shy young woman, befriends Bob, the reclusive gardener at a seaside hotel where she's getting married. Kath has never come to terms with her mother leaving home when she was eight and that her overbearing father, Ken, never talks about her. Now she is getting married to escape, only to discover that her fiancée, Steve, is completely dominated by Ken as well. Bob is a gentle, eccentric man with a dry sense of humour and a troubled past. He spent a long time in prison and in the years he's worked at the hotel he has never ventured beyond the gardens, which he tends with obsessive care. Kath sparks a connection to an unresolved relationship from Bob's past with a girl called Louise which resonates so strongly that he feels compelled to leave the safety of the hotel and confront his past.
First Assistant Director
Una joven adolescente se encuentra luchando por cuidar de sí misma y de su hermano menor después de ser abandonada por su madre soltera sin más remedio que vivir en las calles.
Fisherman's Friends (Música a bordo)
First Assistant Director
Diez pescadores de Cornwall están firmados por Universal Records y logran un éxito entre los diez primeros con su álbum debut de Sea Shanties. Basado en la historia real de la banda folclórica de Cornualles, Fisherman's Friends.
First Assistant Director
VS. is an urban rites of passage drama set in the hostile and exciting UK rap battle scene.
First Assistant Director
Una mujer afligida que vive en una comunidad aislada está atrapada entre el control de su opresiva familia y la atracción que siente por un misterioso forastero sospechoso de haber llevado a cabo una serie de brutales asesinatos.
First Assistant Director
Daphne is a young woman negotiating the tricky business of modern life. Caught in the daily rush of her restaurant job and a nightlife kaleidoscope of new faces, she is witty, funny, the life of the party. Too busy to realise that deep down she is not happy. When she saves the life of a shopkeeper stabbed in a failed robbery, the impenetrable armour she wears to protect herself begins to crack, and Daphne is forced to confront the inevitability of a much-needed change in her life.
First Assistant Director
When his daughter goes missing in an apparent alien abduction, Gabriel's search takes him dangerously close to her strange group of so-called friends. But the further he goes inside their computer game and fantasy-obsessed world, the more he realises that he must confront his own difficult memories if he is to get his daughter back.
The Patrol
Production Manager
Afghanistan, 2006, Helmand Province becomes one of the most dangerous places on Earth as the British Army is deployed into the Taliban heartland. The Operation, Herrick, became synonymous with the struggle as British troops fought a losing battle against this unseen enemy.
Into The Light
Jack is losing his sight and his faith in life along with it, while his young daughter Bella believes her family is protected by fairies. After an argument she runs away. So Jack needs to rediscover his faith in order to find his daughter.
Club Zero
First Assistant Director
A teacher takes a job at an elite school and forms a strong bond with five students — a relationship that eventually takes a dangerous turn.