Doug McKean


Basado en un exitoso musical de Broadway, "Rent" es una ópera rock galardonado con 4 Premios Tony y cuyo libreto recibió el Premio Pulitzer en 1996. Su autor, Jonathan Larson, falleció la víspera de su estreno de un aneurisma de aorta. "Rent" narra la historia de un grupo de jóvenes bohemios que tratan de abrirse camino en la vida en el día a día del barrio de East Village, en Nueva York. Estos amigos se esfuerzan por alcanzar el éxito y la aceptación, mientras soportan los obstáculos de la pobreza, la enfermedad y la epidemia del SIDA.
The American Astronaut
Sound Engineer
Samual Curtis's first mission in this bizarre science fiction musical comedy requires him to take a cat to a saloon on an asteroid. There, he meets his former dance partner (the Blueberry Pirate) and collects his payment: a device capable of producing a Real Live Girl. Including music by alternative rock group The Billy Nayer Show, this film began life as a live show with a loyal following.
The American Astronaut
Sound Designer
Samual Curtis's first mission in this bizarre science fiction musical comedy requires him to take a cat to a saloon on an asteroid. There, he meets his former dance partner (the Blueberry Pirate) and collects his payment: a device capable of producing a Real Live Girl. Including music by alternative rock group The Billy Nayer Show, this film began life as a live show with a loyal following.