Sen Okaji


Samurai Reincarnation
Un samurai vende su alma al diablo para cobrarse venganza contra Dios. Satán le otorga el poder de levantar a los muertos para que lo ayuden en su personal carnicería.
Gate of Youth
The story of Shinsuke, a young man who lives through a stormy life as a poverty-stricken coal miner. Ranging from Shinsuke's infanthood to his mid-teens. Coal workers and the mines dominate nearly every aspect of his life. Shinsuke's father a group leader at the mine, dies while bravely using dynamite to rescue a group of trapped Korean miners. Several older men attempt to help he and his mother cope, including a friendly Harley-riding yakuza boss. This movie has it all, drama, romance, sex, yakuza and violence! It is based on a story by Hiroyuki Itsuki that was originally serialized in the magazine Shukan Gendai in 1969-70.
The Yakuza Papers, Vol. 3: Proxy War
Hiromitsu Nagao
Tercer volumen de la saga "The Yakuza Papers" de Kinji Fukasaku, acerca del convulso mundo mafioso japonés en el Japón de la posguerra. En este capítulo, el jefe de la familia Muraoka decide retirarse por motivos de salud, lo que comportará una lucha de poder por el puesto vacante entre el jefe de la familia Yamamori y un subjefe de la familia Muraoka llamado Uchimoto. Shozo Hirono, protagonista de la saga, deberá calcular bien sus movimientos a la hora de alinearse con uno u otro.
Girl Boss Revenge: Sukeban
The Kanto Gypsies, a tough girl gang, hide out from the law in the middle of a disputed gang territory, where they end up getting kidnapped by sinister underworld thugs. After breaking free, the girls set their sights on one thing: revenge. Miki Sugimoto stars as girl boss Komasa, the ruthless and sadistic leader of the Kanto Gypsies who possesses more than enough brains to match her killer looks.
Withered Tree, the Adventures of Monjiro
government official
Kogarashi Monjiro is a lone samurai who agrees to take responsibility for a murder that his friend committed so that he can stay with his dying mother, with the expectation that his friend will confess and get him pardoned once she dies. Monjiro is sentenced to an island for prisoners. When he discovers that his friend's mother has died over a year ago, Monjiro seeks to escape with a group of prisoners in order to get his revenge.
Trials of an Okinawa Village
A boss from a trucking company has run-ins with evil yakuza during the American occupation of Okinawa. Her hometown is threatened by usurers, gangsters and indirectly by American GI influences. She must battle a yakuza organization with her employees to help settle things.
The Fort of Death
The second Bounty Hunter film, when master killer Shikoro Ichibei takes up the cause of a group of farmers being driven to despair by the vile Lord Ozeki. The villainous lord has driven them to mounting their last stand at a deserted fort against an army of attackers. Wakayama Tomisaburo is superb as an expert in killing and military tactics, who leaves his medical practice at a clinic for the poor in order to counter the vicious tactics of that vile lord.
Industrial Spy
A spy learns the top secrets of a company.
Wicked Priest
El pintoresco monje budista Shinkai (Tomisaburo Wakayama) es un religioso poco habitual: Bebedor, mujeriego, jugador empedernido… Y además avezado artista marcial. En los primeros años de la era Meiji (alrededor de 1870), cuando el portar públicamente espadas se ha prohibido por las nuevas autoridades, Shinkai lleva su cortante hoja envainada en una especie de bastón. Además de su destreza con arma blanca, el monje es un sobresaliente luchador cuerpo a cuerpo.
Gambler: Victory Without Death
Tsunetaro Asakura AKA "Dynamite Tsune" is a talented gambler, but not infallable. After losing his Boss's money in a dice game he repays his debt by serving as a pit boss for a struggling coal mine in Kyuushu. Quickly there's trouble with the local mining competition, who doesn't always play a fair game. True to his hot-headed nickname, Tsune only gets into deeper trouble.
Samurai Wolf
This is the story of a vagrant samurai – the solitary, savage and scrupulous Kiba – who arrives at a village to defend a beautiful, blind woman against a sinister plot. Her assailants then send against him another samurai, named Sana, who is without scruples. The fight between them will become personal, for the honor and love of the blind woman.