Patricia Neal
Nacimiento : 1926-01-20, Packard, Kentucky, USA
Muerte : 2010-08-08
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Patricia Neal (January 20, 1926 – August 8, 2010) was an American actress of stage and screen. She was best known for her roles as World War II widow Helen Benson in The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), wealthy matron Emily Eustace Failenson in Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), and middle-aged housekeeper Alma Brown in Hud (1963), for which she won the Academy Award for Best Actress.
Description above from the Wikipedia article Patricia Neal, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
A real estate developer goes to his 25th high school reunion without his wife, and finds his old teenage band playing. They get him up on stage for a couple of songs, and convince him come to a rehearsal. His wife is outraged that he played. His daughter thinks it's kind of cool. His Mother, in a retirement home, encourages him to enjoy life. He feels some temporary relief from the pressures of business complexities and the stress of marriage tensions. The band gets booked at a popular bar, which leads to a last minute booking to open for a reunion tour, with the possibility of additional tour dates. But the band has internal conflicts. He faces a tough decision to give it a shot even though it will affect his marriage, his family, particularly his daughter, and his business.
A documentary about Ian Fleming.
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of "Breakfast at Tiffany's".
Documentary about author Roald Dahl, produced for the British television series Imagine.
Documentary about the film 'A Face in the Crowd'.
Patricia Neal discusses her career with Turner Classic Movies host Robert Osborne.
Ross McElwee travels through the North Carolina tobacco belt in search of the ancient southern traditions associated with tobacco growing and use, while comparing his filmmaking to commercial cinema, represented by Bright Leaf, a melodrama directed by Michael Curtiz in 1950, starring Gary Cooper, apparently based on the life of his great-grandfather.
This documentary looks at the life and career of John Garfield, whose career was cut short when he died at age 39. His difficult childhood in the rough neighborhoods of New York City provided the perfect background for the tough-guy roles he would play on both stage and screen.
Broadway: The Golden Age is the most important, ambitious and comprehensive film ever made about America's most celebrated indigenous art form. Award-winning filmmaker Rick McKay filmed over 100 of the greatest stars ever to work on Broadway or in Hollywood. He soon learned that great films can be restored, fine literature can be kept in print - but historic Broadway performances of the past are the most endangered. They leave only memories that, while more vivid, are more difficult to preserve. In their own words — and not a moment too soon — Broadway: The Golden Age tells the stories of our theatrical legends, how they came to New York, and how they created this legendary century in American theatre. This is the largest cast of legends ever in one film.
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "You Only Live Twice"
Jewel Mae 'Cookie' Orcutt
En una pequeña ciudad de Mississippi, Cookie, una viuda, vive con la hija de una sobrina y con Willis, un empleado negro que se encarga de cuidarla. Incapaz de superar la muerte de su marido, la anciana se suicida. Son sus sobrinas Camille y Cora quienes encuentran el cadáver y hacen desaparecer una nota dirigida por la anciana a Willis. Convencidas de que un suicidio es una deshonra para la familia, tratan de hacer creer a los demás que se trata de un asesinato cometido por un ladrón. Gracias a la investigación policial, en la que se verán involucrados muchos ciudadanos, saldrán a la luz oscuros secretos familiares.
Known for his personification of the Western Hero, it was Montana-born Cooper's horse-riding skills that first brought him bit parts in movies. And he never lost his love of the great American outdoors. Though he rarely played a villain and was an adept comedian, Cooper is best remembered for his strong, silent heroes. With his lanky countryboy looks and shy hesitancy he created a unique screen presence, though his real life was one of sophisticated elegance. Over 100 movies brought him three Academy Award Nominations and two Academy Awards. Cooper's most memorable films include A Farewell to Arms, Mr. Deeds Goes To Town, Meet John Doe, The Pride of the Yankees and High Noon. Daughter Maria Cooper Janis and actors George C. Scott, Charlton Heston, Patricia Neal and Joan Leslie are among those appearing in this profile of one of Hollywood's greatest stars.
Antonia Morgan
Based on the custody case involving Elizabeth Morgan and the subsequent Elizabeth Morgan Act.
This documentary, hosted by actor Burgess Meredith, explores the life and career of movie director Otto Preminger, whose body of work includes such memorable films as Anatomy of a Murder, Exodus, Laura, Forever Amber, Advise and Consent, In Harm's Way, The Moon Is Blue, The Man with the Golden Arm, and many other movies made from the '30s through the '70s. Interviews with actors Frank Sinatra, Vincent Price, James Stewart, Michael Caine, and others who worked with the flamboyant and sometimes control-obsessed director add information and insight to the story.
Miss Trollope
Catorce años después de haber sido dada por muerta en un accidente aéreo, una mujer reaparece afirmando que es la hija de un hombre rico. Asegura que nunca subió al avión y que se sirvió del accidente para escapar y vivir a su manera, pero que ahora ya está preparada para reintegrarse a la familia. Todos se muestran escépticos porque aparece justo a tiempo para heredar la fortuna de la abuela; sólo su padre cree que es su hija Caroline.
Frances McEllany
The close bond between two elderly sisters is threatened when one of them begins to have romantic feelings for a local mechanic.
Sister Carmelita
At the age of 16 Mary becomes a nun. But she never gets used to the strict rules of her new life and when she falls in love with Father Tim, she wants to withdraw her vow.
Mrs. Frank
Based on the true story of Morris Frank and the first U.S. Seeing Eye Dog, Buddy.
Stella Hawthorne
Cuatro camaradas de toda la vida (Fred Astaire, Melvyn Douglas, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. y John Houseman) viven atormentados por un secreto: se trata del fantasma de una mujer (Alice Krige) que se niega a desaparecer y regresa para asesinarlos uno por uno.
Patricia Neal (uncredited)
The dramatic account of actress Patricia Neal's miraculous recovery from a near-fatal stroke in 1966 with the help of her then-husband, author Roald Dahl, and their close friend, veteran actress Mildred Dunnock.
Mrs. Bergson
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Un pastor vasco (Anthony Quinn) se encarga de guiar al profesor Bergson (Mason), un importante científico que huye de los nazis, y a su familia desde la Francia ocupada hasta España; pero el viaje estará lleno de peligros: a la dificultad que supone cruzar los Pirineos nevados se añade la enfermedad de la mujer de Bergson. Pero lo peor de todo es que el capitán Von Berkow (Malcolm McDowell), un crueñ oficial de las S.S., los persigue implacablemente.
Marie Charboneau
Phillipe Charboneau es el hijo ilegítimo de un duque Inglés. Cuando viaja de Francia a Inglaterra para reclamar su herencia, incurre en la ira de la familia de su padre y se ve obligado a huir a América, donde se ve envuelto en los acontecimientos que condujeron a la Revolución Americana.
Mrs. Gehrig
Legendary ballplayer and humanitarian Lou Gehrig and his relationship with his stalwart wife, Eleanor, are portrayed in this film that focuses on the Hall of Famer's life off the baseball field. Featuring unflinching looks at the Gehrigs' relationship, as well as Lou's feud with Babe Ruth. This film is for anyone interested in baseball. [imdb]
Dolores, Elvira y Carmen son tres hermanas viudas que viven en encerradas en una decadente mansión. Junto a ellas su criada Lupe, una bruja tuerta que practica ritos vudú. Las tres llevan 20 años sin salir a la calle, rezando atormentadas en un recoveco de la casa donde tienen una capilla con las tumbas de sus maridos. La vida de las tres hermanas se ve agitada por la llegada de una cuñada, mujer de un hermano muerto.
Margaret Chase Smith
Senator Joseph McCarthy from Wisconsin accuses prominent people of Communist sympathies in order to give him a national power base when he later planned to run for President.
Developed from Anne Grant's book, Our North American Foremothers, this film recreates historical moments and women who fought for equality and freedom over the span of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.
Lois Swensen
The disease: incurable. The odds: insurmountable. But Eric will not surrender! An unforgettable true drama of a young man's fight for hope, for love, for life. A two-hour special adapted from Doris Lund's best-seller "Eric."
En un imaginario país sudamericano que vive una situación de grave tensión social y política, unos conspiradores planean el asesinato de un importante líder en el exilio, cuyo regreso reclama una parte de la población. Para ello, obligan a un camionero de origen extranjero que se ha quedado sin trabajo a ejecutar el crimen.
Peg Gerlach
The son in a close-knit family of Wisconsin dairy farmers decides to get married and move out of the house, just as his mother discovers she has incurable leukemia and only a short time to live.
An adopted teen who runs away to what he believes to be his birth town and mother, in the hopes of putting together the missing pieces of his sense of identity. He arrives during a wave of disappearances and murders, only to encounter New England aloofness and some very eccentric relatives.
Dr. Roberta Clemm
A young boy struggles to overcome his speech problem and strained relationship with his parents.
Olivia Walton
The Walton family is preparing for Christmas in the early 1930s. It's Christmas Eve, and they are waiting for Daddy Walton to come home from his job in the city some 50 miles away. Since he is late, everyone is worried and over the radio the mother and grandparents hear about an overturned bus and hurt travelers but keep this news from the rest of the family. The story is really a coming of age story about the oldest son John-Boy who must cut down the tree with his grandfather since his father isn't home and is eventually told about his missing father and sets out to find him. An all round heartwarming story, especially if you are a fan of The Waltons. A simple story about a simple family in simple times. Great family entertainment!
Maura Prince
The dreary existence of middle-aged spinster Maura Prince takes an unexpected turn with the arrival of young handyman Billy Jarvis, but there is more to Billy than meets the eye. Based on the novel Nest in a Fallen Tree by Joy Cowley.
Nettie Cleary
Un soldado regresa a casa de sus padres, un hogar con problemas... Tras el éxito en teatro de la obra "The Subject was Roses", nominada al Tony en 1964, Ulu Grosbard, reputado asistente de dirección de películas como "West Side Story" (1961), "Splendor in the Grass" (Esplendor en la hierba, 1961) o "El buscavidas" (The Hustler, 1961) se decide por dicha obra para realizar su ópera prima. (FILMAFFINITY)
This short focuses on Patricia Neal's return to motion pictures three years after she suffered a near-fatal stroke. We see her and the cast and crew at work in New York City on the feature film The Subject Was Roses (1968).
Lt. Maggie Hayes
El capitán Rockwell Torrey y el comandante Paul Eddington forman parte de un destacamento de la Marina americana cuya misión es responder al ataque perpetrado por los japoneses contra la base americana de Pearl Harbor. Torrey, enamorado de la enfermera Maggie Haynes, intenta mejorar la distante y tensa relación con su hijo Jeremiah, un joven oficial de la Marina.
Alison Crawford
An industrialist's wife tries to remember the shocking sight that made her blind.
Alma Brown
Homer Bannon, un viejo ganadero del Oeste, no quiere saber nada de la nueva industria petrolera que poco a poco ha ido cambiando el rostro de la región y ha supuesto una enorme riqueza para todos, y mantiene serias discusiones con su hijo Hud. El joven es un irresponsable que necesita mucho dinero para poder mantener su lujoso tren de vida, dinero que no produce la cría de ganado. Entre padre e hijo se interpone el nieto del primero, sobrino del segundo, que siente un gran cariño por su abuelo y una gran admiración por su tío. En medio de este choque de intereses, algo comienza a suceder al ganado
2E Failenson
Holly Golightly es una bella joven de la alta sociedad neoyorquina que bajo su vida alegre esconde una gran tristeza. Holly tiene un comportamiento algo alocado, y alguna manía, como por ejemplo desayunar contemplando el escaparate de la lujosa joyería Tiffanys. Un día se muda a su mismo edificio Paul Varjak, un escritor en ciernes que mientras espera alcanzar un éxito que nunca llega vive de la relación con una mujer madura que le mantiene. Holly y Paul enseguida entablarán una bonita amistad.
Marcia Jeffries
Una cadena de televisión convierte en estrella televisiva a un vagabundo. La sorprendente reacción del público hacia el personaje cambiará su vida por completo, convirtiéndolo en una víctima de los medios de comunicación.
Susan North
Un misterioso venusino aterriza en la campiña inglesa y manifiesta sus preocupaciones con respecto a la continuidad de la raza humana sobre la Tierra.
During WWII, Sandro Ademari (Massimo Girotti), head of a group of Italian partisans, to escape from a Nazi catch, hides himself by a farm. Here he knows Luisa (Lea Padovani) and soon the two married and have a baby. After the war, Sandro, now a solicitor, succeeded also to be elected in Rome's parliament. Here he starts an extramarital affair with Germana (Patricia Neal). Sandro, now deep involved with Germana, tries all the way to leave Luisa (divorce wasn't legal during the '50s in Italy). But Luisa is determined to save her marriage and arrives in Rome to discuss with the two. The tragedy is behind the corner.
Anne Richards
A conservationist fights to save the habitat of the California condor and to do it she works her way into the affections of a representative of the oil company that wants the land for their own purposes.
Alice Kingsley
A reporter (Patricia Neal) suspects the "nice guy" image of a respected Congressman (Van Johnson) is all a facade and sets out to uncover the truth.
Joan Ross
El departamento de Estado norteamericano encarga a Mike Kells una misión en Salzburgo. Una vez allí, debe subir a un tren para encontrarse con su colega y amigo Sam Carew, que le entregará un documento importantísimo sobre los planes de Stalin para invadir Europa. Pero Carew, que viaja en compañía de una joven llamada Janine, es arrojado a las vías del tren antes de poder hablar con su colega. Mike seguirá las huellas de Janine hasta Trieste.
Jean Bowen
Two single parents shock their children by falling in love.
Helen Benson
El mundo entero queda conmocionado el día en que, sin previo aviso, un O.V.N.I. aterriza en Washington y de él sale Klaatu, un alienígena de aspecto humano, acompañado de Gort, un androide. Klaatu pide reunirse simultáneamente con todos los gobernantes de la Tierra, para entregarles un mensaje muy importante, pero su petición es rechazada. Klaatu se da cuenta de que necesita comprender mejor cómo viven los humanos y, para ello, se hospeda en la casa de una mujer, madre de un chico, con el que Klaatu traba amistad.
Ann Challon
Raton Pass is a curious western based on the rules of Community Property. Dennis Morgan and Patricia Neal portray a recently married husband and wife, each of whom owns half of a huge cattle ranch. Neal is a tad more ambitious than her husband, and with the help of a little legal chicanery she tries to obtain Morgan's half of the spread. He balks, so she hires a few gunslingers to press the issue. In a 1951 western, the greedy party usually came to a sorry end; Raton Pass adheres strictly to tradition.
Mary Stuart
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, Duke Gifford, un duro comandante de submarino y su ex mujer, ven como las esperanzas de una reconciliación se ven constantemente interrumpidas por una serie de peligrosos acontecimientos que les llevan a intervenir en el rescate de un grupo de huérfanos en una isla capturada por los japoneses.
Phyllis Horn
Un niño de cinco años sobrevive a un accidente de avión en el que mueren sus padres adoptivos. Durante su búsqueda llegan tres mujeres, Susan, Phyllis y Ann, cada una de las cuales cree que el niño es suyo, pues dieron a un hijo en adopción cinco años atrás.
Leona Charles
Basada en la novela de Ernest Hemigway. En Florida, el propietario de un barco con problemas económicos, acepta alquilar su barco a unos criminales para que huyan de la justicia. Las cosas se complicarán cuando un amigo suyo sea asesinado.
Margaret Jane Singleton
La acción se sitúa entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX, cuando Brant Royle (Gary Cooper), un joven ambicioso se instala en la zona tabaquera más rica de Estados Unidos dispuesto a crear su propio imperio y a desafiar el monopolio de un poderoso magnate. Conseguirá su objetivo gracias a la ayuda de una joven (Lauren Bacall) y a la aplicación de ciertos avances tecnológicos. Su avaricia lo llevará incluso a casarse con la hija (Patricia Neal) de su rival (Donald Crisp), pero acabará comprendiendo que quien verdaderamente lo ama es la otra y que la riqueza no da la felicidad.
Sister Margaret Parker
In the final days of World War II, in a MASH unit in Burma, a severely wounded corporal watches in dismay as fellow soldiers pack-up to return home but a caring nurse and five remaining soldiers bring him solace.
Patricia Neal (uncredited)
Una empleada de los estudios Warner Brothers está ansiosa por entrar en el mundo del cine. Cuando los actores Jack Carson y Dennis Morgan le ofrecen su ayuda, piensa que ha llegado su gran oportunidad.
Dominique Francon
Gary Cooper es un arquitecto vanguardista en desigual lucha con el mundo. Su deseo de demostrar tanto su talento como el valor del individuo frente a la masa se mezcla con una tórrida y compleja historia de amor en este atípico melodrama, ejemplarmente rodado por Vidor con toda la pasión y el pulso narrativo que le caracterizan. Impresionante banda sonora de Max Steiner y magníficas interpretaciones para una obra maestra del género, de interés especial para los amantes de la arquitectura -los proyectos de Cooper se parecen sospechosamente a los de Frank Lloyd Wright-.
Mary McKinley
After four long years apart, there are so many things returning World War II soldier John Lawrence wants to tell his sweetheart, Mary McKinley. That he loves her. That he's missed her. And that he's married.
The Warner Bros. annual blooper reel for 1949.
Warner Brothers bloopers of 1947