Lili Walters

Lili Walters


Lili Walters


La invitación
Imogen (Maid #2)
Una joven es cortejada y deslumbrada solo para descubrir que una conspiración gótica está en marcha.
Maybe Tomorrow
Two cars, four people, one tree. Sometimes we set off somewhere for something, and then things turn out differently than we planned. Friendship, love, lies and betrayal in two short stories. Different characters, different times, the question is the same...
Garbage Theory
Űrpiknik / Garbage Theory is a dramedy webbed through with the elements of sci-fi, which tells the story of one night spent by an alien lacking self-appreciation and a troubled university student in Budapest. Panna is a lonely university student who is incapable of forming human relationships, until Boy, the self-loathing alien arrives due to her signals sent to space. Boy tells Panna that the planet is doomed and he is only interested in saving his one admired artist, Sarolta Zalatnay. The two strangers form a unit, Panna helps Boy to fulfill his plan, and the alien takes her to the unknown planet in return. Panna and Boy meet unusual characters and extraordinary situations during the adventure lasting a night, which open up the world in front of them; Panna learns to form bonds and Boy finds home in the universe: on planet Earth.
Camarada Drakulich
Magyar Mária
El camarada Draculich es un cuento romántico de vampiros ambientado en la era de la guerra fría. A principios de los 70, Fabián el vampiro regresa a la República Popular de Hungría desde el oeste imperialista e inmediatamente se convierte en objetivo de la policía secreta comunista. Durante la vigilancia, el amor se desarrolla entre el vampiro y María, la joven compañera asignada para espiar al misterioso extraño. Debe elegir entre un monstruo y el régimen que la explota. Esta historia de amor satírica mezcla elementos de películas de espías y vampiros. A través de su descripción del paranoico régimen comunista húngaro, reflexiona sobre nuestro presente, donde la vigilancia es una preocupación mundial.
A girl stuck in an apartment feels lonely and alienated, just like a ghost. She is transparent and silent, not entirely here but haven't decided to move on either. She might just be a memory floating in between dimensions.