Al aterrizar en Nueva York sobre las cenizas de la cultura post-hippie, la veinteañera Patti Smith trastocará todos los códigos existentes: el rock'n'roll cliché, la poesía excesivamente prosaica. Durante su carrera de cincuenta años, con un solo éxito comercial, logró la hazaña de convertirse en una leyenda viva sin salir nunca de los márgenes de la sociedad. Punk de corazón.
A documentary studying the archetype of the witch in Hollywood cinema from the 1930s to the present and shows, between the lines, how it is linked to the social history of female power.
They're called the "vocal trinity": Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Céline Dion are the first divas of the pop era. But what defines a diva?
They're called the "vocal trinity": Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Céline Dion are the first divas of the pop era. But what defines a diva?
On May 18, 1936, Abe Sada, a former geisha, kills her lover by "erotic asphyxiation", then slices his sex and inscribes his name in his flesh. In an ultra-controlled and militarized Japan, the press is passionate about this transgressive incident, while the murderer defends herself, presenting her crime as an act of "crazy love". Relayed to the West, this murder conveys the image of a fantasized Japan, where all impulses are given free rein.
On May 18, 1936, Abe Sada, a former geisha, kills her lover by "erotic asphyxiation", then slices his sex and inscribes his name in his flesh. In an ultra-controlled and militarized Japan, the press is passionate about this transgressive incident, while the murderer defends herself, presenting her crime as an act of "crazy love". Relayed to the West, this murder conveys the image of a fantasized Japan, where all impulses are given free rein.
The pin-up is not just a pretty young woman, not so much dressed and fantasized. This popular American icon would even become a symbol of feminine claims. As soon as we pronounce the word "Pin-up", it's an erotic and retro cliché that comes to mind. We imagine a beautiful ingenue in light clothes looking at us with a smile, endless legs and sexy underwear to guess the curve of a buttock. This short-dressed girl who looks at us in the corner and smiles at us frankly, is an erotic icon.
The pin-up is not just a pretty young woman, not so much dressed and fantasized. This popular American icon would even become a symbol of feminine claims. As soon as we pronounce the word "Pin-up", it's an erotic and retro cliché that comes to mind. We imagine a beautiful ingenue in light clothes looking at us with a smile, endless legs and sexy underwear to guess the curve of a buttock. This short-dressed girl who looks at us in the corner and smiles at us frankly, is an erotic icon.
"Revolución retro" profundiza en el fenómeno de la retromanía, la nostalgia por la estética de las décadas de los 20, 30, 40 y 50 que hace furor en el presente. A raíz del éxito del estreno de "Mad Men" en 2007 lo retro ha conquistado Occidente. Otras series como "Peaky Blinders", "The Hours" o "Fleming" han reforzado esta estética. En el cine, "The Artist", una película muda en blanco y negro, se alzó con el Oscar a la mejor película.
"Revolución retro" profundiza en el fenómeno de la retromanía, la nostalgia por la estética de las décadas de los 20, 30, 40 y 50 que hace furor en el presente. A raíz del éxito del estreno de "Mad Men" en 2007 lo retro ha conquistado Occidente. Otras series como "Peaky Blinders", "The Hours" o "Fleming" han reforzado esta estética. En el cine, "The Artist", una película muda en blanco y negro, se alzó con el Oscar a la mejor película.