Mila Niemi


Rolli - Amazing Tales
Makeup Designer
Trollforest is in grave danger, so Rölli the Troll must unite with a Forest Fairy to save their home.
Rolli - Amazing Tales
Costume Design
Trollforest is in grave danger, so Rölli the Troll must unite with a Forest Fairy to save their home.
Vääpeli Körmy ja marsalkan sauva
Makeup Artist
The colonel's wife's tin pints need to be cleaned up, and Sergeant First Class Körmy tasks two privates to do so.
Vääpeli Körmy ja marsalkan sauva
The colonel's wife's tin pints need to be cleaned up, and Sergeant First Class Körmy tasks two privates to do so.
Talvisota (The winter war)
Makeup Designer
Finlandia, Octubre de 1939. La crisis diplomática abierta entre el país finés y la URSS a causa de las exigencias territoriales de Stalin hace que el ejército finés se movilice. A través de la historia de los hermanos Martti y Paavo Hakala, enviados a combatir junto con su compañía al frente, asistiremos a las visicitudes de la cruenta guerra de invierno que Finlandia libró contra el ejército Rojo en unas durísimas condiciones climáticas y en franca inferioridad material frente al poderoso ejército sovietico. La versión extendida para televisión consta en total de 250 minutos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Da Capo
Makeup Artist
Interwoven with scenes that are meant to grab attention by their stunning composition, this biographical look at Finland's violinist Arto Arsi is not so much a narration of his childhood and early years, as an attempt to artistically show what was happening inside his psyche during that time. Literally sold to a master teacher, Sergei Rippas (Tarmo Manni) by his mother when he was still a child, the violin prodigy was forcefully and strictly raised to practice, practice, and perfect his technique. Once an adult, Arsi finds a way to escape the rigors of a U.S. tour and drowns his overworked self in drink, or seeks out one-night stands, or otherwise lets off steam. The tightly-wound spring that has been coiled since he was forced into his grueling training and work sessions -- shown through symbolic images -- eventually snaps in a healthy way, freeing Arsi at last to continue on, simply for the love of music.