Marie-Luise Lux


Enfant Terrible
Biopic sobre el cineasta alemán Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
The Kangaroo Chronicles
Dwigs Sekretärin
Un canguro comunista se muda con un artista en Berlín.
El sueño de Mandy
Mandy Mutschke, también conocida como Mia Milana, es una joven aspirante a diseñadora que no está dispuesta a abandonar el sueño de crear su propia colección.
Hit Mom – Mörderische Weihnachten
Hanni works around the clock as a cleaning lady. She has to because her husband, whom she loves, has not exactly shown himself to be a support financially. They also have their son Viktor. One day Hanni witnesses an attempted murder on an old lady. The killer now has an involuntary confidante and must eliminate her. But it doesn't come to that because Hanni uses her cleaning agents at the right moment, with her presence of mind. The killer falls unhappy and falls into a coma.