Scott McManus


Enganchados a la muerte
Utility Sound
Cinco estudiantes de medicina llevan a cabo un peligroso experimento con la esperanza de entender el misterio sobre aquello que hay más allá de la vida. Cuando sus corazones son detenidos por un corto período de tiempo, viven una experiencia cercana a la muerte…
The Rocket List
Sound Mixer
More than a year has passed since the world found out about Ceres II, a dwarf planet on a clean course to devastate earth. The initial chaos that ensued has diminished; in the final weeks leading up to impact, people everywhere are trying to live normal everyday lives just one last time. Four friends use their final days to fulfill their bucket lists and document it in hopes of preserving a time capsule they call the "Rocket List". The plan is to fire off their documentary into outer space before impact in hopes that one day someone will find it.