Carl Joseph Schreiber

Carl Joseph Schreiber


Carl Joseph Schreiber


War Path
Un asesino a sueldo descubre un secreto sobre su jefe mientras está en una misión y debe luchar para salvarse a sí mismo y a su esposa.
Lucky Fifty
Two struggling actors come across $50 on the street and decide to spend the day forgetting about their hardships.
The Home Invaders
Chet Green
A former safecracker is lured back for one last job by an old flame and business partner. This is filmed in the style of a 1940s 'film-noir.'
El amanecer del planeta de los simios
Human Colonist (uncredited)
Un grupo de simios con grandes cualidades para la supervivencia toma las calles, liderado por César, un simio dotado de una inteligencia y unos instintos superiores para cualquier primate. Ante la necesidad de libertad, esta raza animal decide no doblegarse ante los humanos. Tendrá que luchar contra un grupo de humanos que han sobrevivido a una fuerte epidemia, desatada en la década anterior. Ambas partes han establecido una tregua, pero se verá interrumpida.
I Die Alone
Pvt. Finch (as Carl Schreiber)
American pacifist Private Finch (Carl Schreiber) finds himself pressured by his superiors to kill a P.O.W. captured from battle. As a direct result of his apprehensions, a fatal confrontation explodes amongst his platoon, and Finch becomes stranded behind enemy lines armed with nothing but limited ammunition and an uncertain sense of direction. Making his way through foreign soil, he encounters a mysterious mailman (Marc Litman) anxious to throw himself into battle. But on their exhausting quest to find a radio and signal for help, it becomes clear that Finch's new friend harbors a few dark secrets that could prove more threatening than the next ambush.
The Dry Blade
Karl Hyde
In 1873, Emperor Meiji abolished the rights of the samurai in favor of a modern, westernized military. With intentions to launch a bloody crusade against the government, warrior Endo Tadaoki (Henry Lee) gathers his remaining men to prepare for one last honorable battle against the emperor and regain the supremacy of the samurai. As fellow warrior Kido Masahide (Vint Carmona) refuses to join the war, he and his wife are brutally murdered at the hands of Endo's blade before being robbed of their family swords. When Kido's only son (Michael Nosé) is also pressured to join Endo's forces, he instead chooses a fatal confrontation with his parents' assailant. Suffering from a rare medical condition that renders his skin allergic to water, Ken embarks on his quest to find a sword and avenge his family's death.