Little Red Walking Hood (archive footage)
The Looney Tunes Guide to Fairy Tales: In a storybook setting, Looney Tunes characters share with kids the necessary ingredients for a proper fairy tale
Clarabelle Cow (voice) (archive footage)
Dos fábulas animadas de los estudios Disney. En 'La Leyenda de Sleepy Hollow' Ichabod Crane está enamorado de la encantadora Katrina, pero tiene que lidiar con Brom Bones, el matón de la ciudad. Su rivalidad lleva a Crane a la leyenda de Sleepy Hollow y el jinete sin cabeza. En 'El Príncipe y el Mendigo', Mickey, Goofy, Donald y Pluto protagonizan la versión de Disney del clásico de Mark Twain.
Clarabelle Cow (Voice)
Hace tiempo, Inglaterra fue reinada por un rey noble y justo, hasta que un día enfermó. Entonces, el Capitán de la Guardia tomó el control y mandó que subieran los impuestos en nombre del rey. Un día, Mickey Mouse, un mendigo que persiguió a su perro Pluto hasta el palacio, se encontró al príncipe, que resultó ser idéntico a él. En ese momento al príncipe se le ocurrió cambiarse entre ellos, y así descubrir como es la vida de cada uno.
Aunt Sally
The escapades of Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, and the runaway slave, Jim, drifting down the Mississippi on a homemade raft, and their encounter with the Duke and his cohort, Dauphin.
The story, set in the twenty-second century, follows the adventures of the McCallister family, owners of McCallister's Midway Inn, a hotel-restaurant-saloon on an orbiting way station somewhere between Earth and Pluto.
Mother Frump
The original TV Addams Family members prepare for Halloween.
Mrs. Sampson
A man left at the alter goes on his honeymoon trip anyway, taking his best man along instead.
Beauty Salon Receptionist
A deported gangster trains an Italian convict to take over his operations in the U.S.
Edwina Kelp
Un profesor universitario de química no muy agraciado y con poco éxito en sus contactos sociales, Julius Kelp, inventa una fórmula que le convierte en otra persona muy diferente, arrogante y bien parecido, Buddy Love.
Holly Golightly es una bella joven de la alta sociedad neoyorquina que bajo su vida alegre esconde una gran tristeza. Holly tiene un comportamiento algo alocado, y alguna manía, como por ejemplo desayunar contemplando el escaparate de la lujosa joyería Tiffanys. Un día se muda a su mismo edificio Paul Varjak, un escritor en ciernes que mientras espera alcanzar un éxito que nunca llega vive de la relación con una mujer madura que le mantiene. Holly y Paul enseguida entablarán una bonita amistad.
Mrs. Mooney
Jessica Poole va a casarse con Roger Handerson, un ganadero del Valle del Napa. Mientras se ocupa de los preparativos de la boda, se pregunta si asistirá al enlace su padre, un vagabundo al que no ve desde hace años.
Ma, Vernon's Wife
Ellen (June Allyson) es una rica heredera que, tratando de escapar de su padre (Charles Bickford), un hombre autoritario que no aprueba su matrimonio, atravesará el país para reunirse con el hombre que ama. Durante el viaje conocerá a un periodista (Jack Lemmon) que se presta a ayudarla, a cambio de la exclusiva de su interesante historia.
Stinky's Mother
Bud & Lou get jobs in Mr. Fields' Drugstore. Originally filmed as the first episode of the Abbott and Costello TV show, it was released on film and shown theatrically in certain markets.
Two single parents shock their children by falling in love.
Woman (uncredited)
Two window washers who are mistaken by Nick Craig, a bookie, as the messengers he sent for to pick up $50,000. Now the person he sent them to sent two of his men to get the money back but they found out about it. So they try to mail to Craig but a mix up has the money sent somewhere else and the woman who got it spent it. Now Craig needs the money to pay off one of his clients.
Hysterical Widow (uncredited)
Eddie Harrington y Albert Mansfield son dos fontaneros que reciben una llamada para reparar una fuga de agua en el cuarto de baño privado del hogar del señor Van Cleve, un rico hombre de negocios. La fuga casualmente se ha producido durante el baile de disfraces que su esposa ha organizado en la mansión. Mientras están tratando de reparar la fuga, rompen una cañería y se produce la inundación de la sala...
Eva (uncredited)
When his wife threatens him with divorce, a reporter courts her again.
Black Widow Spider / Dancehall Girls (voice) (uncredited)
A live action piano player tells the story of a clothes-devouring moth who is on his way to marry a honey bee but gets caught by a black widow spider looking for a man of her own.
Old Woman (voice) (uncredited)
A cat (not Sylvester) tries to capture a little canary bird (not Tweety), and not get caught by protective Granny.
In this musical comedy, a pregnant disc jockey misses her husband who is fighting overseas. Stressed out by the situation and her job, she decides to take some time off and convinces her twin sister to trade places with her. The switcheroo causes the soldier her husband appointed as her unofficial guardian no end of confusion.
A producer and his partner clash over two women in show business.
Miss Ripple
An unsophisticated farm girl enrolls in college and stars in the campus musical.
Cow / Can Can Dancers (voice) (uncredited)
Grocery store products come to life, along with caricatures of Jack Benny, Rochester and Ned Sparks, and take-offs on Superman and King Kong.
Cobina Gusher
Newly-elected reform Mayor Jones celebrates his victory over the crooked political machine with a party at Earl Carroll's night club. Steve Kalkus, the defeated racketeer-politician, has Earl Carroll and several of his acts kidnapped, figuring the kidnapping coup will cause Jones to be laughed out of office. In Carroll's absence his assistant, Ramona Lisa, and his press agent, Barney Nelson put on the show themselves with the remaining talent, the chorus girls and also pressing into the entertainment cigarette girls, cloakroom girls, the doorman and others including oil heiresses Brenda Gusher and Cobina Gusher. Carroll and the other prisoners make their escape when a kidnapped juggling act sends their captors down in a barrage of beer bottles.
Cooking Show Lady on Radio (voice) (uncredited)
Mickey Mouse is about to build Pluto a doghouse when Pluto digs up a magic lamp that speaks in black dialect. It offers to do Mickey's bidding. Mickey's first wish is for a doghouse, and the lamp starts to work. Suddenly, the saw, the planer, the paintbrush and other tools magically begin working on their own. Finally, Pluto has a magnificent doghouse. The second wish? Mickey asks the lamp to give Pluto a bath. But things go awry when Pluto accidentally breaks Mickey's radio. Now, all sorts of conflicting messages are coming out of the speaker as Mickey tries to fix it. The lamp assumes all the voices are Mickey's and obeys them. Pluto is rolled with a rolling pin, punched with boxing gloves, frozen in an aspic and is about to be cut into thin slices before all ends happily.
An English fellow lectures about his trip to the Gobi desert to find a dinosaur egg.
Homely Girl (uncredited)
Josh Mallon (Crosby) es un millonario que, harto de esa vida, escapa de su dominante padre (Charles Coburn) y, junto a un vagabundo (Bob Hope), viaja hasta Singapur donde encontrará a una atractiva nativa (Dorothy Lamour) que trabaja en un cabaret para un individuo con pocos escrúpulos (Anthony Quinn).
A down-and-out family of pigs wins a sweepstakes, are immediately besieged by reporters and photographers, and then go on a wild spending spree, which soon exhausts their windfall-prize money. Than the tax collector shows up. After paying the taxes, the pigs are right back where they started from.
A boxing kangaroo tricks his son into fighting when he really wants to be a violinist.
Female Teacher
Told in flashback, th story explains why one of the bunnies in the classroom is so much bigger and older than his classmates. He devoted his early years to disrupting the class rather than studying and learning his lessons, with the result that he remained behind while the other students were promoted.
Lady Chef on Radio (voice) (uncredited)
Donald es el encargado de equipajes en una estación de tren. El equipaje del último tren incluye un simpático animal, el avestruz Hortensia, que cogerá cariño a Donald y se comerá todo lo que se le ponga a la vista.
Little Red Walking Hood / Granny (voice) (uncredited)
Paseos rojos por un salón de billar; El lobo la ve y la persigue. Pero el rojo es ajeno a sus invenciones. El lobo atajo a la casa de la abuela; cuando llega Red, la abuela deja que el lobo se vista y ataque. La acción se detiene por una llamada telefónica (la abuela hace su pedido de comestibles), algunas llegadas tardías y la cabeza de huevo serpenteando.
Birds / Singer (voice) (uncredited)
El corto muestra a los habitantes de un antiguo molino abandonado mientras se preparan para la noche y la tormenta que se aproxima. 68º de los 75 cortos que forman las Silly Symphonies de Disney.
A little boy (as pilot/crew/mechanic) and a little girl (the title air hostess) do their best to get a delapitated airplane airborne and take their full load of adult passengers to their destination. They fail spectacularly.
Mama (voice) (uncredited)
Momma parrot is teaching her young-uns to say "Polly want a cracker" but little Peter doesn't want a cracker, he wants to be a sailor like dad. Mom tells him what a no-account his dad really was, setting sail for Hawaii ("no, Maw, it was Catalina") right after the kids were born. Peter is unswayed, and takes off. He turns a barrel into a boat, and crews it with an annoyingly talkative duckling, then sets sail on a lake. They get caught in a thunderstorm (the duck loves it). Peter calls for help and momma comes running, but the duck has already saved him. But he still wants to be a sailor.
Lady Motorist (voice) (uncredited)
Porky owns a full-service gas station; he deals with a wide variety of problems, like a bump that migrates to different parts of the car. But his real nemesis is a supposedly sleeping baby in a car whose tire needs changing; in fact, the baby is wide awake and a real brat. Both Porky and the brat end up covered in grease; the irate mother drives off, but the child has tied a pump to a tire, which ends up pulling the whole station into the ground.
Clarabelle Cow (voice) (uncredited)
Mickey presenta un programa radiofónico en el que actúan aficionados.
Singer (voice) (uncredited)
Bugs of all kinds convene on a jazz club for an evening of fun.
Old Maid (voice) (uncredited)
The iceman is in love with a pretty girl, and an old spinster is pining and cooking for him. But his dreamgirl prefers crooners like Bing Crosby, Rudy Vallee, or Eddie Cantor. After leaving her, he spots the sign of an imitator, and thinks he could ask him to do the crooning for him while he is trying to date his girl. The imitator accepts, and at first the trick is working, until the imitator gets too cold amid the ice in the back of the van and the girl gets suspicious.
Greta Garbo / Elaine Barrie (voice) (uncredited)
It's race day, and first prize is $2 million (less $1,999,998.37 in taxes). Porky's little car is matched against cars driven by stars of yesteryear, including Laurel and Hardy and Charlie Chaplin. When the black #13 driven by "Borax Karoff" makes a bid for the finish line, can Porky fend him off?
Cat Meows (voice) (uncredited)
Thrown out of the house into the backyard, the three kittens are sheltered by a giant Saint Bernard and are tormented by a turtle and a bluebird.
Homeowner (voice) (uncredited)
A woman's house, on the side of the cliff, is about to fall into the sea, due to waves washing away the cliff. In a panic, she call's Porky's moving company. Porky's assistant, a former boxer, starts swinging when he hears a bell until hit on the head, when he stops and says, "Okay, boss." They get to the house and have various adventures while moving the furniture, mostly because the entire house keeps tilting back and forth on the shaky ground.
Clarabelle Cow (voice) (uncredited)
Mickey, Donald y Goofy forman un departamento de bomberos, y todos sus intentos para controlar el fuego son inefectivos.
Pirate crewmember doing a girly girl voice (voice)
Pete el Pirata ha secuestrado a Minnie en su barco. Mickey deberá rescatarla. Existen dos versiones del corto: la original en blanco y negro, y una segunda coloreada.
Clarabelle Cow
Mickey y su pandilla realizan su propia representación de la obra "La cabaña del tío Tom" en una granja utilizada para la ocasión como teatro.