Brian Allan


Bridgewater Triangle: Paranormal Vortex
The Bridgewater Triangle in Southeastern, Mass. is a place where truly paranormal encounters abound. Sightings of UFOs, bigfoot, ghostly apparitions, giant birds, devil dogs and roaming spirits occur frequently. The triangle features a number of sites said to possess an energy unlike any other area in the state. Researchers have long deemed the triangle a breeding ground for spectral and supernatural activity with perhaps the widest range of phenomenon of any place on Earth. Some call it 200 square miles of hell and will never return after experiencing the unexplainable strangeness that includes orbs, poltergeists, aliens, giant snakes and monster like cryptid creatures. Explore this very real and truly paranormal vortex from another dimension.
Book of Secrets: Aliens, Ghosts and Ancient Mysteries
The world abounds with Paranormal and Alien encounters that defy reality and cross over into the realm of high strangeness, of which there have been many attempts to explain these mind-bending phenomena but still no one has the answers. With the US government finally admitting that many of the unexplained sightings of UFO craft may very well be alien technology, we are emerging into a new era, that of a "Unified Theory of the Paranormal" that may provide answers for many enigmas of the unknown. It involves the ancient eastern concept of "oneness" recognized by our forefathers, long before the arcane physics of quantum mechanics demonstrated it's reality. Let us explore the Book of Secrets and face who the aliens are, where they come from and why they are here.
Paranormal Rosslyn Chapel
Paranormal and supernatural mysteries abound at Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel, one of the most mysterious places in the world. From the head of Jesus and the Holy Grail, to the Secret Templar text and Dark Magick, explore this enigmatic Paranormal hot spot.
Elemental Querido Watson: La Sombra de Sherlock Holmes
Luces de gas, carrujajes a caballo, Londres bajo la niebla: todo nos recuerda a la época del enigmático Sherlock Holmes. Pero hay otro personaje al que no todos recuerdan tan bien: el doctor Watson. En este programa se desvelan los misterios del doctor Watson y el hombre detrás de Sherlock Holmes.