"If we are silent, we participate in the evil that is happening in the world. I have to say what I think." George Edelstein has always adhered to this principle: both in his former secular life and during his years of church service. A man of an amazing fate, complex as the century in which he had to live. Not a Soviet person in Soviet society. A connoisseur of freedom, who does not like being called a dissident. A village priest, to whom Ronald Reagan returned the parish, and whose son became an Israeli politician. A man who always spoke the truth – about the state that persecuted for the faith, and about the church hierarchs who participated in it. "My duty is not to be silent. In silence, I am convinced, God is surrendered."
Este especial analiza la figura de Vladimir Putin, desde sus humildes comienzos hasta el establecimiento de una dictadura brutal. La aparición de Putin supone una de las amenazas más graves para la seguridad.
A story told by those who knew Boris Nemtsov at different times: when he was a young scientist and took his first steps in politics; when he held high government offices and was considered Boris Yeltsin's heir apparent; when he led Russia's democratic opposition to Vladimir Putin.
A story told by those who knew Boris Nemtsov at different times: when he was a young scientist and took his first steps in politics; when he held high government offices and was considered Boris Yeltsin's heir apparent; when he led Russia's democratic opposition to Vladimir Putin.