Adolf Navara

Nacimiento : 1926-06-02,

Muerte : 1982-01-18


Podivné přátelství herce Jesenia
Director of Photography
Vyloženě rodinná historie
Director of Photography
Babička se zbláznila
Director of Photography
Řekni mi to beze slov
Director of Photography
Snídaně v pánském pyžamu
Director of Photography
Pracka v láhvi
Director of Photography
Sedm kilo pro Králíčka
Director of Photography
Silvestr svobodného pána
Director of Photography
Dům na konci města
Director of Photography
Já se vrátím
Director of Photography
Já bych se tak ráda vdávala
Director of Photography
Jak zničit vlastní mužstvo
Director of Photography
Povídky Svatopluka Čecha
Director of Photography
Splynutí duší
Director of Photography
Vrtkavý král
Director of Photography
Vražda v ulici Lourcine
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Tichý svědek
Director of Photography
Kosmas a paní Božetěcha
Director of Photography
Krádež na Malém rynku
Director of Photography
Hliněný vozíček
Director of Photography
Bláznova smrt
Director of Photography
Vražda před večeří
Director of Photography
Muž a žena
Director of Photography
Příběh se starou lenoškou
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Slečnám nic nevadí
Director of Photography
Mata Hari
Director of Photography
Zlý dům
Director of Photography
Kaviár jen pro přátele
Director of Photography
Případ Mauricius
Director of Photography
Paní Bohdana
Additional Camera
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Jak chodí babičky spát
Director of Photography
Zločin pátera Amara
Director of Photography
Jegor Bulyčov
Director of Photography
Podivný konec léta
Director of Photography
Noc bez úsvitu
Director of Photography
Kůzlátka otevřete...
Director of Photography
Byla jednou jedna budoucnost: Podivná reportáž z přítomnosti 1965
Director of Photography
Napravení Jima Valentina
Director of Photography
Záhadný pan Hyde
Director of Photography
Tři sestry
Director of Photography
Romance štědrovečerní
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Starostlivý otec
Director of Photography
Komedie o muži, který si vzal němou
Director of Photography
Šibalství Scapinova
Director of Photography
Svatba na Bistrici
Director of Photography
Markoltovo šprýmování aneb Frantové a bařtipáni
Cínový vojáček
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Nová odyssea
Director of Photography
Když tančí růže
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Zadržitelný vzestup Artura Uie
Na shledanou v sobotu
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Podzimní slunce
Director of Photography
Květy a kořeny
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Vysoké činžáky
Director of Photography
Liška a hrozny
Director of Photography
První oběd
Director of Photography