Ivan Pshonkin


ФиксиКИНО. Вселенная приключений
Fixies tell where books come from and how headphones help to write a dictation. Riki and Tyra hatch their dreams and have a carnivorous flower at home. Smeshariki will learn the secret of strong friendship and teach Pin to fly. And Bodo Borodo will go to conquer high waves and watch cartoons at the animation festival.
Smeshariki and friends in the movies. Issue 1
Smeshariki, Fixiki and Bordeaux Bordeaux will come together on the big screen to find out how you can use your talent, what hides the past of Pin, what is interesting about the Eiffel Tower, how autopilot works and much,much more.
Los Fixies: Amigos Secretos
Visto sólo por los niños, los Fixies son diminutas criaturas que reparan electrodomésticos, aparatos y circuitos eléctricos. Cuando uno de los Fixies se apodera de un brazalete especial se transforman en un super-powered. ¡Ahora todo dependerá de estos coloridos amiguitos, un niño pequeño y un profesor de laboratorio para salvar el día!