Marina Luk


Brave Young Girls
Yukari Oshima stars as a Japanese Interpol officer investigating the triads for drug smuggling and recruits some young girls coerced into prostitution by the gangs to gather incriminating evidence. However, when the girls are caught for selling out their bosses, Yukari Oshima hatches a plan to get them out which culminates in an exhilarating extended fight sequence.
The Immigrant Policeman
Production Supervisor
An intricate mystery unravels when immigrant policeman (ANTHONY TANG) uncovers a cache of counterfeit watches imported from Hong Kong. The watches are traced to his long lost father and a simple investigation becomes more than he can handle.
El puño ciego de Bruce
Para proteger su banco y a su familia, Tien Lung tiene contratados a 2 maestros para que le enseñen artes marciales, pero ambos son unos farsantes que lo único que pretenden es sacarle todo el dinero a cambio de lecciones de kung fu un tanto estúpidas. Todo cambiará cuando Ho Fu Wai y sus secuaces le arrebaten su banco y comiencen a extorsionar a las gentes del pueblo. Tien Lung se da cuenta de que sus técnicas son inútiles y acudirá a un anciano ciego para que le enseñe kung fu y poder así saldar cuentas con Ho Fu Wai.
The Bravest Fist
After intimidating numerous towns and bullying the residents, Chan Wai Man goes on a fierce attack against the thugs responsible.