Viktor Strelchenko


Space Dogs: Tropical Adventure
When a mysterious whirlpool appears in the Atlantic Ocean, astronauts Belka and Strelka must once again act heroically and complete a mission to save the planet along with the distant home of their new alien friends.
Hilbert's Eighth Problem
A comedy from the life of scientists. Lyubov Vitalievna, a beauty, head of the laboratory of genetics, having discovered that she has a mutation, thanks to which she gradually turns into a man, due to the lack of real men.
Serafima's Extraordinary Travel
Sima Voskresenskaya, who lost her parents at the very beginning of the war, lives in an orphanage and secretly keeps our family cross, reminding her of her beloved family.
Space Dogs: Aventura en el espacio
Pushok, un atrevido cachorro astronauta, está en una misión para encontrar a su padre, que se encuentra atrapado en la luna. Desafi ando todas las posibilidades, Pushok despega en un cohete para rescatar a su familia, pero rápidamente descubre que no se encuentra solo y se topa en su camino con un mono y con pequeños alienígenas. ¿Podrá Pushok salvar a su familia? ¿Será esta una misión imposible?