Hans Christian Schrøder


¿Dónde están los molinos de viento?
Thomas, de 7º grado, vive en una pequeña ciudad de Dinamarca. Está enamorado de la chica dura de la escuela, Vikki, y para acercarse a ella, tiene que ayudarla a ella y a una pandilla de niños mayores a volar la bicicleta de sus maestros. El jefe de la pandilla es el novio de Vikki.
En kæreste
Ung mand
Christian and Malene are lovers. Although they are both only in their mid 20s, they have been a couple for a long time since they got together as teenagers. They have reached a point in life where a new phase has begun: adulthood. The pressure from their surroundings is starting to create doubt in both of them, and the question is whether they should be together at all.
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