Detective Newbie
A struggling photographer gets more than he bargained for, discovering the truth of what his new camera is really capable of.
Frat Boy #3
Noelle, una estudiante de arte, es agredida por un compañero de universidad. Poco después, se enfrenta a su violador, matándolo accidentalmente. La joven trata de recuperar una cierta normalidad, pero al descubrir que en el campus hay muchas más víctimas de abusos que no se atreven a alzar la voz, decide tomarse la justicia por su cuenta. Así, la venganza se convierte en su musa.
Mr. Wickham
Pride and Prejudice follows Elizabeth (Maia Petee) and her oldest sister Jane Bennet (Christina LaFon) through trial and error of first impressions, timeless proposals, mistaken opinions and true love. When Jane meets the new eligible bachelor Mr. Bingley (Mark Mook), she falls head over heels until he suddenly leaves town unexpectedly with his friend Mr. Darcy (Caleb Grusing). While Elizabeth consults her sister she finds herself intertwined in the reasons behind Mr. Bingley's departure, a new found friend Mr. Wickham (James Hawthorn), prejudices and possibilities of finding love herself." The first Impressions are not always lasting ones.