Milton Nuñez
Nacimiento : 1990-02-14, Curacautín, Chile
Original Music Composer
Years after her son's disappearance, a mother keeps trying to find him after an abduction that justice cannot solve while she is moving in a universe that wants to force her to mourn a child that she believes is still alive.
Jean is a young Haitian man who works doing house duties for a wealthy household, but his wishes for a quiet and dignified job become interrupted when his boss starts sexually abusing him. Jean will have to decide whether to quit his job and renounce the income to support his family or keep enduring the assaults.
After recognizing Jean as the hero of the previous night, Sofie and Nicole take him to the hostel where they are staying. Maikel, the assailant, calls Jean several times to steal the hostel. The only problem is that Jean always loses out in the robberies. That night will be different.
Original Music Composer
Amparo is 18 years old and lives in the city of Iquique, in northern Chile. Among confusion, she must deal with the discovery of her father's secret life, feel love for the first time, decide whether to leave her hometown to study, and even realize that perhaps friendship is not meant to be forever.
Original Music Composer
Manuel is obsessed with Daniela, his ex-girlfriend. He even follows her around in her dreams. After running into each other at a renowned restaurant in Santiago, they argue for the last time and discover who is actually dreaming.
Original Music Composer
Una joven nadadora con trastorno del sueño se enfrenta a la repentina desaparición de su madre y la llegada de Rebeca, una misteriosa niña que alquila una habitación en su casa. Sin la ayuda de la policía y confundida por la paranoia, se ve envuelta en una lucha por mantener la cordura y recuperar su vida.
Un camión, una carretera y un destino impredecible, todos ellos intersecciones en una red de tráfico humano. Atrapada en esta red, Viktoriya solo tiene una opción: luchar para sobrevivir.
Original Music Composer
El Festival de Viña del Mar es el evento más importante de Chile. Es conocido como El Monstruo por lo despiadado del público ante los artistas que no aprueban. Fabrizio Copano será el comediante más joven en presentarse en ese escenario. Viajará por todo Chile preparando su rutina, pero las cosas no saldrán tan bien como él espera.
Original Music Composer
Al morir su madre, Alfonso se ve obligado a hacerse cargo de un padre que no soporta, con el agravante que el viejo está perdiendo la memoria, convirtiéndose en un niño alejado de aquel hombre fuerte que alguna vez fue, y obsesionado con que su mujer sigue viva, perdida en un hospital de la costa. Alfonso se adentrará en la aventura de encontrar a una madre que ya no está entre los vivos, pero que sigue presente en el corazón de su padre.
Original Music Composer
Camila es una joven estudiante de danza. Tiene un novio comprometido y una familia que la apoya, pero cuando descubre que está embarazada, todo ese amor y aliento se convierten en una carga. Camila tendrá que dejar de lado las expectativas de los demás y tomar su propia decisión, por difícil que sea.
Original Music Composer
As a Child, César always wanted to die at twenty seven, just as The 27 Club. However, he didn't know he was actually going to.
Original Music Composer
A young man has a mere six hours to escape with his best friend from their hometown before a nuclear reactor explodes.
Original Music Composer
Adriana finds out the son she's expecting suffers a brain malformation that won't allow him to live outside her womb. As therapeutic abortion is illegal in Chile, she must wait until her baby is naturally born.