Brigitte Fossey

Brigitte Fossey

Nacimiento : 1946-06-15, Tourcoing, Nord, France


Brigitte Fossey, born June 15, 1946 in Tourcoing, Nord, is a French actress.


Brigitte Fossey
Brigitte Fossey
Brigitte Fossey
Brigitte Fossey


Grands Enfants
The Neverending Party
Self - Actress
A look-back at popular French movie "La Boum" (The Party).
Fernandel, Jacques Tati, Bourvil, Louis de Funès - Les rois de la comédie
Mon héroïne
A young girl from Rouen dreams about directing movies with Julia Roberts. Overprotected by her mother, she hopes to join a prestigeous cinema school in New York City, but nothing happens as expected, and her dreams are cruelly broken. Denying her fate, she leaves France to New York City, with her nutty-aunt's help, dreaming to give her screenplay to Julia Roberts herself.
The Way to Happiness
Judith Askelevicz
Saul escaped the coming Shoah as a child by being sent from Vienna to Brussels by a Kindertransport. Now in 1986, he is on the road to resilience and owner of a Delicatessen dedicated to the "Septième Art" - the movies. With Joakin, his protégé, a young Chilean director, they decide to write the story of Saul's childhood and make it into a film. But love comes knocking at his door and confronts him with his past as a hidden child...
Raining Cats and Dogs
Two down-on-their-luck strangers become improbable companions in misfortune.
Amor en Viena
El empleo de Melodie, viuda y madre de dos niños, depende de que consiga convencer a un pianista de que dé un concierto. Para ello, Melodie viaja en su busca hasta un pequeño pueblo de Austria.
Mère de Marie
Setting out on her own, 25-year-old Alice visits several apartments with the help of real estate agent Julien, a married man with children. They soon fall in love. Around the same time, Alice takes work at Julien's wife Marie's tea shop. Charmed by the interest Alice shows in her, Marie lets her guard down and starts confiding in her. In return, Alice, tells Marie about her affair with a married man. Things come to a head when Julien has a car accident and the affair is exposed.
Asesinato en Valenciennes
Christiane Tortois
Michael y Yann no han vuelto a hablarse desde la tragedia que destrozó su familia hace 18 años: su padre y 15 trabajadores murieron en un accidente en la mina, que permanece cerrada desde entonces.
Entre Ellas (2017)
Laura, Eva, Anouch y Yael son cuatro primas, muy diferentes y entrañables, que tienen algo en común: mienten pero siempre por amor. Cuando las tres primeras descubren, unas semanas antes de la boda de su prima que su perfecto prometido la engaña, ellas deciden al unísono que no hay que decírselo.
René Clément au coeur de la nouvelle vague
Une femme nommée Marie
Voce narrante
August 2011 pageant performance staged by Robert Hossein depicting St. Bernadette's encounter with Mary, the mother of Jesus. Production was filmed at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary in Lourdes with an audience of 30,000 people.
La mort dans l'île
Jeanne Borghese
Violette Castillon, a young Parisian lawyer, goes to the Île de Ré where a criminal named Stany claims her to ensure his defense. In exchange, he will tell her the truth about his father, the late robber José Rocca. The day after Violette's arrival on the island, Stany is attacked, a notable from the region is found hanged and other misfortunes befall the island. While the dead are multiplying around her, Violette is determined to discover the truth.
Grosse chaleur
Marie-Sophie Merceron
On vacation in the Luberon, a high ranking civil servant, in love with the good old fashioned thinking, has to put up with a bunch of troublemakers in his haven of tranquillity and prevent them from watering in circles. Wife, child and mother-in-law in the front row, brother-in-law and sister-in-law as bonus gifts. Add to that a terrible heat wave and a mother left alone in her apartment in Paris... The cocktail is boiling, even explosive... with this heat it will be hard to keep it cool.
Pour l'amour de Thomas
A young HIV-positive man returns to his birthplace in Québec and tries to live life as fully as possible, rejecting self-pity and alienating his over-protective mother.
Le château des oliviers
Estelle Laborie
The Castle of Olive Trees is the ancestral home of the "Laborie de Sauveterre". Located at "Châteauneuf-du-Pape", it holds many mysteries and legends. Like every summer "Estelle Laborie" goes there to take some time off. But this summer she take an important decision: run from Paris and stay here at the castle definitively. Little does she knows that her arrival will awake a lot of drama and secrets, beginning with this enigmatic "Pierre Séverin" who wants to demolish the castle to the ground, to make an amusement parc "Cigaleland". She will learn unfortunately that this "Pierre Séverin" is also knowned as "Marceau" the little boy of the steward of the castle when her father was the master of the domain. That steward also died in terrible circumstance. However Estelle decides to face this vengeance and save the castle with the aid of archaeologist "Raphaël Fauconnier"...
Das lange Gespräch mit dem Vogel
Elisabeth Halbritter
A Vampire in Paradise
Is Nosfer Arbi a vampire? Or is he just a very emaciated, very strange and possibly quite lonely young man from an Arabic country with an obsession with death? On the other hand, why is the previously cheery Parisian teenager Nathalie Belfond throwing fits and speaking in Arabic? Her strange behavior began with the appearance of a caped and cadaverous man outside her window. Mr. & Mrs. Belfond have their hands full trying to sort this mess out, in this extremely unusual and award-winning comedy which puts a new wrinkle on the vampire mythos.
Shipwrecked Children
Eight children of a wrecker live together on a strange island, in a supernatural happiness. Until their little paradise is disturbed when an old lady is discovered murdered there. They then embark on the investigation in search of the truth.
The Last Butterfly
Stage mime Antoine Moreau is compelled by the Gestapo to put on a performance for the children of Terezin, a "model" concentration camp, to convince the Red Cross observers that the camp is truly what it seems. Reluctant at first, Moreau slowly learns the true nature of the camp, including the meaning of the "transports" on which people leave. With a world-class orchestra (made up of people interned in the camp) and a cast of children, Moreau stages a show to end all shows.
Game Over: Se acabó el juego
Julie de Frémont
El día de Nochebuena, un psicópata asesino disfrazado de Papá Noel se adentra en una casa. Allí, un niño y su abuelo tratarán de sobrevivir como puedan...
Cinema Paradiso
Elena Mendola (adult) (in Director's cut) (uncredited)
En un pequeño pueblo siciliano durante los años previos a la llegada de la televisión (justo al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial) el joven Toto vivía fascinado por el cine. Toto trata de entablar amistad con Alfredo, el proyeccionista del cine local, una persona muy irritable pero con un gran corazón. Todos estos hechos se presentan en forma de nostálgicos recuerdos de Toto que ha crecido hasta convertirse en un cineasta de éxito, y que revive a su infancia cuando recibe la noticia de que Alfredo ha muerto.
Vivement Truffaut
Self / Geneviève (archive footage)
A tribute to the late, great French director Francois Truffaut, this documentary was undoubtedly named after his last movie, Vivement Dimanche!, released in 1983. Included in this overview of Truffaut's contribution to filmmaking are clips from 14 of his movies arranged according to the themes he favored. These include childhood, literature, the cinema itself, romance, marriage, and death.
Un caso d'incoscienza
In Italy, set in the early 1930s, a missing Swedish millionaire (Erland Josephson) is the target of a journalist (Rüdiger Vogler) who sets out to discover exactly what happened to the man and whether or not he is still alive. The biggest lead he has is the millionaire's attractive mistress (Brigitte Fossey), and the story takes off from there.
The Future of Emily
Emily, a child, stays with her bourgeois grandparents during frequent periods when her mother makes films. Isabelle wraps a picture, flies to her childhood home to pick up Emily, and plans to leave for her place in France. Old wounds between Isabelle and her parents open around Isabelle's life style. It's also apparent that Isabelle's mother, Paula, is unhappy - with her husband and with her youthful hopes dashed when she became pregnant with Isabelle. Unbeknownst to Isabelle, the co-star of the film she's just made has followed her, checked into a nearby hotel, and wants to begin an affair, even though he's married. Can Isabelle sort it out? What's best for Emily?
A Strange Passion
En el siglo XVII, una joven se enamora del huérfano que ella y su esposo adoptaron.
Les fausses confidences
En nombre de todos los míos
Dina Gray
Historia de un grupo de judíos durante la II Guerra Mundial, y sus avatares en diversos campos de concentración, resultado de lo cual es que sólo sobrevive uno de ellos. Finalizada la contienda, emigrará a los Estados Unidos para comenzar una nueva vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Scarlet Fever
En un lujoso piso de París, Roger, de diez años, vive rodeado de mujeres, su bisabuela, su abuela y su madre. Desea una presencia masculina, que se concreta en un hombre enamorado de su madre...
Le Jeune Marié
Billy falls in love with another woman after his wedding party.
Karen Reinhardt
Algunos agentes de la KGB altamente entrenados son enviados al oeste para asesinar a varios disidentes soviéticos. Para detener la trama diabólica, un agente estadounidense debe infiltrarse en la inteligencia soviética y obtener información de una computadora rusa.
The Party 2
Françoise Beretton
A young French teenage girl after moving to a new city falls in love with a boy and is thinking of having sex with him because her girlfriends have already done it.
Polish director Krzysztof Zanussi once more explores the dilemma of intellectualism at the expense of humanity in 1982's Imperative. The story concerns math professor Robert Powell, who feels that there is something lacking in his ever-so-precise life. What is missing is truth, specifically philosophical truth. Thus he philosophizes at great length, allowing director Zanussi plenty of room for didactic but little room for warmth. Leading ladies Brigette Fossey and Leslie Caron occasionally melt through the cold logic of Imperative.
Croque la vie
Friendships and business do not mix, that's what we find with Theresa, Catherine and Alain, three longtime friends. Freshly graduated, they decided to start their own business, but work is scarce and a fight breaks out between the trio. Separated, married and scattered all over France, the once inseparable trio no longer keep in touch. But four years later, they decided to organize a big party for their reunion which serves as an opportunity for them to put things right and confess everything they have in their hearts.
Coco Chanel
Gabrielle Chanel, una niña que ha de ser internada en el orfelinato, se convierte con los años en una modista de prestigio a la que los aristócratas agasajan con regalos. Uno de ellos y Marc, su protector en el mundo de la pasarela, compartirán sus sentimientos. Mientras, su colección de sombreros será la espita de un lanzamiento internacional.
La fiesta
Françoise Beretton
Vic tiene 13 años y es nueva en el instituto, pero pronto se hace amiga de Penélope. Las dos están ansiosas por encontrar un chico del que enamorarse; el problema es que los padres de Vic no la dejan todavía ir a fiestas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un mal hijo
El francés Bruno Calgagni (Patrick Dewaere) ha sido encarcelado en los Estados Unidos por tráfico de drogas. Tras ser puesto en libertad, regresa a su país y busca un trabajo decente con la esperanza de empezar una nueva vida. Se aloja en casa de su padre (Yves Robert), un hombre amargado que le echa la culpa de la muerte de su madre, que, al parecer, no pudo soportar el dolor de que su hijo acabara en la cárcel. (FILMAFFINITY)
La triple muerte del tercer personaje
Después de haber pasado una buena temporada en la cárcel, un hombre es perseguido por agentes internacionales que quieren darle muerte. Sin saber exactamente qué es lo que pasa, el protagonista se da cuenta de que lo quieren matar porque el libro que escribió sobre su estancia en prisión incluye unas claves secretas que no debían ser reveladas. Él, que lo hizo por azar, se da cuenta de que corre un grave peligro. Uno a uno, los personajes de la novela van siendo eliminados para que el misterioso secreto se mantenga en la sombra para siempre. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mais où et donc Ornicar
They are in their thirties. They have now children, an appartment, a work, cars... and still have loves, dreams and passions. They will meet each other, leave each other, under the eye of their kids.
Vivia, Essex's Wife
En un mundo futuro, la Tierra sufre una nueva glaciación. La humanidad ha sido diezmada, y los pocos que han sobrevivido ocupan su tiempo en un juego llamado "quinteto". Para un pequeño grupo de ellos, además, el juego es un asunto de vida o muerte.
La celda de cristal
Lisa Braun
Cuando una escuela se derrumba con todos los niños dentro, el arquitecto Phillip Braun es juzgado y condenado por deficiencias en el diseño y construcción del edificio, y es enviado a prisión. Su abogado descubre que la verdadera responsabilidad del incidente pudiera ser otra...
Civil Wars in France
Andrée Léo (segment "La semaine sanglante")
Closet Children
A young man who seems lost, Nicolas, has an appointment with her sister Juliette. They are bound by a heavy childhood secret: their mother committed suicide when their father had instructed Nicolas to keep it. Since the father chased him and forbade Juliette to see him.
El amante del amor
Geneviève Bigey
Durante el funeral del protagonista, se hace una reflexión sobre las razones que podrían explicar la pasión de este soltero de mediana edad por las mujeres, su necesidad de amarlas y por qué también ellas le correspondían.
Blue Country
Louise Morand
Brigitte Fossey stars as a repressed young nurse who hopes that moving from the city to the country will open up new vistas in her life (thereby reversing the usual country-to-city route of most movie heroines!) She meets and falls in love with bachelor Jacques Serre, likewise a free spirit. Though Fossey and Serre are attracted to one another, both value their freedom too much to make a firm commitment. As they draw closer, the twosome compare their own lifestyles with those of the colorful country folk all around them.
The Honey Flowers
On the hill in Saint-Cloud, in a broad street bordered by residences, a delivery man is going through the back of his van. He prepares the delivery: wine, water, alcohol... After checking the order he routinely loads the crate on his shoulder and strides under his load through a small delivery gate in the wall of a garden, he rings and enters... All the action will take place in one night, a single night, in this bourgeois house in Saint-Cloud.
Femmes Fatales
Suzanne Dufour
Jean-Pierre Marielle y Jean Rochefort interpretan a un ginecólogo y un gigoló agotados de cualquier sugerencia sexual femenina. El doctor no soporta ver una vagina más, mientras que el gigoló está exhausto de la exigencia sexual de las mujeres. Ambos deciden refugiarse en una villa con la única compañía de los sacerdotes del lugar, pero el casto encierro se torna en pesadilla al presentarse un regimiento de mujeres armadas.
The Good and the Bad
The film follows the exploits of Jacques, a car-mechanic turned pro-thief, and his Jewish co-conspirator Simon as their robberies, beginning well before the Second World War, take on a political coloration under the occupation.
The Goodbye Singing
In her suburban house, Madame Vaussart brings together a group of solitaries every Wednesday. Everyone tries to forget their problems, their complexes, their sadness. Between Mr. Michel, very shy, Mrs. Lebris, a former actress, a former colonial soldier and a few others, a project was soon born. They arm themselves and organize a manhunt from which, voluntarily, no one will come out alive.
La brigade
This film explores the experiences of some of the members of an anti-Nazi resistance group in France composed mostly of Polish immigrants, known as "La Brigade." Many of them also fought for the leftist cause during the Spanish Civil War, and for them the resistance is simply a continuation of their prior activities. After the war, some of them continue to have a "resistance" mind-set. One of the stories concerns a love relationship between a Polish boy and a French girl who are thrown together because of their war efforts. After the war, they get together and reminisce.
The Irony of Chance
Los rompepelotas
La femme dans le train
Jean-Claude y Pierrot son dos macarras, unidos por una fuerte amistad, sin otro interés en la vida que hacer lo que les viene en gana. Su pasatiempo favorito es acosar, intimidar y aterrorizar a la gente, pero siempre logran eludir la acción de la justicia. Una tarde, mientras intentan robar un coche, el propietario les dispara, pero aún así logran escapar. En medio de la confusión, Maria Ange, una amiga del propietario, una mujer cansada de su mediocre vida de peluquera, se sube al vehículo, se va con ellos y se convierte en amante, cocinera y madre de los dos delincuentes.
'M' as in Mathieu
Mathieu is collected from the hospital by his wife, and dropped of at an apartment. His wife returns home to their son. The next time she sees him, he confesses that he is in love with another woman. This woman, who is identical to his wife, visits him. After making love, she leaves. She then returns. Mathieu shoots her - or does he shoot a mirror?
Raphael or the Debauched One
1830, somewhere in France. Aurore is a young, beautiful and virtuous widow. She meets Raphael, a man of leisure, a debauchee. Raphael is obsessed by the death, and wait for it by chasing women and drinking. He first tries to seduce her, but is impressed by her and gives up. But Aurore felt in love with him, and tries not to look as inacessible. A romantic drama, with dispair, cynism, disgust for life and love.
Crime and Punishment
Adiós amigo
Dominique "Waterloo" Austerlitz
Después de servir juntos en la legión durante el conflicto de Argelia, un médico (Alain Delon) y un mercenario (Charles Bronson) regresan a Marsella donde siguen caminos separados. El médico llega a un acuerdo con una misteriosa joven para devolver a la caja fuerte de su empresa, unos títulos que ella sustrajo tiempo atrás. Ponen en marcha un meticuloso plan en cuya fase final, él se quedará encerrado en la planta baja del edificio; burlará las medidas de seguridad; devolverá los títulos y huirá cuando se abran las puertas durante una ronda de vigilancia. Antes, para no levantar sospechas, se habrá encargado de la revisión médica del personal. Llega el momento señalado pero, de pronto, hace su aparición el mercenario, quedándose encerrado en el edificio junto al doctor...
The Wanderer
Yvonne de Galais
Rural France, the 1890s. Always in motion, Augustin wanders three times. First, as a youth, while a boarder near Bourges, he's lost in the woods and finds a chateau where an engagement party's in progress: there he falls eternally in love with Yvonne and she with him. Back at school, he hears she is in Paris, so he follows in a vain search and meets a woman, jilted by her lover. In the countryside a few year's later, Augustin's friend François finds Yvonne and brings Augustin to her. They marry, but the next day, Augustin leaves to fulfill a youthful promise he made to Yvonne's brother. François comforts the pregnant Yvonne as they await Augustin's return.
El camino feliz
Janine Duval
Michael y Suzanne son dos padres solteros que no se conocen, pero cada uno tiene un hijo y acabarán coincidiendo cuando los dos chavales se escapan juntos de un internado suizo.
Juegos prohibidos
Junio de 1940. Centenares de franceses, entre los que se encuentran la pequeña Paulette y sus padres, se dirigen en un desesperado éxodo hacia el sur de Francia. Los aviones nazis sobrevuelan el camino y bombardean sin piedad a la multitud. Los padres de Paulette y su perro mueren durante el ataque. Alguien lanza el cadáver del animal al río, pero la niña, incapaz de separarse de él, decide seguirlo, lo que propicia su encuentro con Michel, un chico de once años, que la lleva a la granja de sus padres, donde es muy bien acogida.
Marie-France Pisier, une femme sous influence
Second to Nun
Sister Maria Claire