William Lively


Tarzán en la selva escondida
Unos cazadores que se hacen pasar por fotógrafos se adentran en Sukulu, territorio donde los animales son sagrados.
Iron Mountain Trail
Rex Allen and Slim Pickens are sent from Washington, D.C. to California in 1850 to speed up deliveries of mail to the goldfields, and find a destructive feud raging between two stage-line owners, Sam Sawyer and John Brockway. In their attempts to have their stages and drivers first on the dock to get the mail brought East by ship, the two have damaged each other's equipment and schedules to the point that no consignment of mail reaches the goldfields intact or on time.
Wild Horse Ambush
A man has kidnaped an engraver and has him forging Mexican bills. He captures wild horses supposedly to sell for hides but uses them to transport the bills across the border. Police captain Juan Reyes (Richard Avonde) is posing as a bandit to uncover the counterfeiters smuggling fake pesos into Mexico, and is assisted by feisty youngsters Red (Michael Chapin) and Judy (Eilene Janssen), who are trying to protect the wild horses being used by the gang. The kids suspect that rancher Big John Harkins (Roy Barcroft) is the leader of the gang and that he is forcing Mexican artist Espinosa (Julian Rivero) to help him.
Trail Guide
A cowboy (Tim Holt) and his Mexican-Irish sidekick (Richard Martin) lead a wagon train to an unfriendly place.
Colorado Sundown
The Hurley's own a lumber mill and want to harvest all the timber in the valley. They kill the Forester and substitute their brother Dusty in his place. Dusty then says all the trees are infected and must be cut down. But Rex Allen is suspicious and writes to the Forestry Department and gets involved with the murders.
Hot Lead
Recently released from prison, nice guy Dave Collins finds himself unwillingly mixed up with his old outlaw acquaintances Turk Thorne and his gang as they try to use his telegraphy talents to zero in on the arrival of a gold shipment on the local train. Taking a liking to Collins, cowboys Tim Holt and Chito Rafferty get him to agree to help set a trap for the train robbers
Arizona Manhunt
Arizona Manhunt was the second entry in Republic's "Rough Ridin' Kids" series. Michael Chapin returns as Red, the precocious grandson of Sheriff White (James Bell), while Eilene Janssen likewise reappears as Red's best friend Judy. Once again, the two kids get involved with grown-up western desperadoes, in this case the outlaw gang formerly controlled by Judy's foster father.
Gold Raiders
The Three Stooges travel West where they become heroes by nabbing a gang of would-be robbers.
Gold Raiders
The Three Stooges travel West where they become heroes by nabbing a gang of would-be robbers.
Lost Planet Airmen
Feature version of the 1949 serial, KING OF THE ROCKETMEN: Young member of scientific group uses new rocket-powered flying suit to thwart shadowy saboteur known only as "Dr. Vulcan".
The Dakota Kid
Dakota Kid is a young outlaw who joins a gang headed by Ace Crandall. Crandall's aim is to unseat Sheriff Tom White and then use his power to enrich himself at the community's expense. Dakota impersonates a long-lost nephew of the sheriff, and is made a marshal. Through his association with the sheriff's grandson, Red White and his friend Judy, plus falling in love with Mary Lewis, the Kid gradually reforms.
The James Brothers of Missouri
This 12-part serial concerns the efforts of the infamous James brothers (of which Jesse was a prominent member) to become normal everyday citizens. Of course, there's no room in the Wild West for reformed outlaws, and the duo inevitably find themselves caught up in showdowns and robberies.
King of the Rocket Men
Prof. Millard pretends to be dead and helps Jeff King ferret out Vulcan, the evil traitor at the science academy. Donning his Rocket Man costume King goes from one hair raising rescue to the next in order to keep the newly invented Decimator out of the clutches of Vulcan and his minions.
Ghost of Zorro
Although ostensibly the grand-son of the legendary hero, Clayton Moore's Ken Mason is little more than a cowboy in a black mask in this 12 chapter Republic serial. Mason, the head of the telegraph line work crew, assumes his ancestor's trade-mark mask (but not whip) in order to prevent a local czar (Roy Barcroft) from sabotaging the burgeoning telegraph line. Pamela Blake, a brunette starlet formerly known as Adele Pearce, played Mason's imperiled girlfriend, and the serial also benefitted from the usual competent work of Republic's great stunt-performers, including Dale van Sickel, Tom Steele, Eddie Parker, and Joe Yrigoyen.
Daughter of the Jungle
An airplane carrying a pair of police officers escorting gangsters to prison crash-lands in the African jungle. They are rescued from an attack by savage natives by a white woman who appears out of nowhere, and it turns out she is a lost heiress who herself crash-landed in the jungle years before.
Federal Agents vs. Underworld, Inc.
The female leader of an international crime ring steals a valuable artifact that can give her the power to control men's minds. Federal agents are dispatched to get it back and stop her evil plans.
Radar Patrol vs. Spy King
The war lords of a potential enemy of the US has the spy ring, led by John Baroda, the Spy King and his aide Nitra, sabotaging the plans for a vast defense system of radar stations along the American borders. Radar Defense Bureau operative Chris Calvert comes to the rescue of a brilliant radar scientist, Joan Hughes, who has been kidnapped by Baroda henchmen in chapter 1 ("The Fatal Fog"), and the two battle together before putting an end to the Spy King in the aptly-named chapter 12, "Day of Reckoning".
Range Renegades
After Marshal Jordan is honored by Jimmy, Cannonball and others for his forty years as a law officer, the Sawyer mine is blown up by Belle's foreman, Kern, following Sawyer's refusal to sell out. Dan Jordan, the Marshal's son, interested in Belle, secretly the head of the outlaws, is lured by her from scouting the road on which his father guards a ore shipment. Jimmy and Cannonball drive off the outlaws, headed by Kern and Burton, but the Marshal is fatally wounded. The town council appoints Jimmy the new Marshal, which disappoints Dan, but Belle persuades him to become Jimmy's deputy, in order to get information from him about ore and payroll shipments. Dan quits as deputy and fights Jimmy when the latter suspects Belle of involvement in the robberies.
Tornado Range
Tornado Range is one of five Eddie Dean westerns originally produced by PRC in 1947 but released the following year by Eagle-Lion. Cast as a troubleshooter for the U.S. Land Office, Dean is assigned to settle a deadly range war. Sure enough, the warring homesteaders and cattlemen are being whipped into a frenzy by a third party, who hopes to "divide and conquer," claiming the land for himself. Surprisingly, all-purpose PRC villain George Cheseboro isn't the culprit in this one; instead, he's cast as the father of heroine Jennifer Holt. Roscoe Ates is once more on hand for some questionable comedy relief.
Gunman's Code
Wells Fargo agents Jack Douglas (Kirby Grant) and Bosco O'Toole (Fuzzy Knight) are sent after a gang of stage robbers. Danny Burton (Bernard Thomas, brother of Laura Burton (Jane Adams, is implicated before Jack is able to prove that saloon owner Lee Fain (Danny Morton) is the man behind the outlaw gang.
Days of Buffalo Bill
In this western, a cowpoke gets in an argument; a scuffle ensues leaving the cowboy to believe that he killed his opponent. He is so wracked with guilt that he travels to the ranch of the dead man's sister, gives himself a new name and begins helping her. Rustlers come; he stops them. Trouble ensues after she learns his true identity. A scuffle ensues. She wings him with a gun; he disarms her. Later she hears the real murderer bragging about his crime during a fight with the hero.
Gun Town
Indian Agent Kip Lewis arrives in Gun Town where Buckskin Sawyer is having her payroll shipments robbed by Indians. Kip and his men are ready the next time and learn the robbers are white men dressed as Indians. Kip finds Davy Sawyer's case at the scene and confronts him. When Davy accuses Talbot whom he lent it to, Talbot shoots him. But Davy names Talbot before he dies and Kip goes after him.
Both Barrels Blazing
The outlaw gangs are robbing the railroads and the Rangers cannot follow them when they move to New Mexico. So Kip decides to take a vacation to New Mexico and, as the Durango Kid, bring Cass and his gang back to justice. But Cass and his gang are killed at the bank in a double cross and Kip must still find the loot. For this, he enlists the help of Tex and Grubstake, although Grubstake does not know it.
The Old Texas Trail
In this western, set in Texas, the brave heroes Rod, Fuzzy, and their good-guy gang attempt to keep a band of ruthless outlaws who are trying to take over the reins of a stage coach line.
Boss of Boomtown
Soldiers Steve and Jim are friends but when their enlistment ends, Jim reenlists while Steve doesn't. Instead he takes an assignment to find the local gold rustlers. Robbing the stage and then the bank gets Steve into the gang where he plans a job that will capture the entire gang. But just as he is about to put his plan into action Jim arrives to arrest him.
Marshal of Gunsmoke
U.S. marshal Ritter arrives in town to round up bandits who are attempting to fix the local elections.
Arizona Trail
A young cowboy returns home to help his father fight off a gang trying to take over the family ranch.
Wagon Tracks West
Cowboys side with an Indian doctor against crooks and bad water.
Daredevils of the West
A gang of land-grabbers tries to prevent safe passage of the Foster Stage Company through frontier territory.
G-men vs. the Black Dragon
Japanese spies attempt to subvert America's war effort; G-Men attempt to thwart their plot.
King of the Mounties
King of the Candian riding police is up against Japs and Nazis who are about to invade Canada. They just want to clear the way with a new futuristic plane called "The Falcon" first, but that's not gonna happen if Kig has his way.
Perils of Nyoka
Professor Campbell's expedition into the hills of Libya obtains a papyrus which might reveal the hiding place of the Golden Tablets of Hippocrates, containing lost medical secrets. Also in the region is intrepid Nyoka Gordon, still seeking her father, lost on a previous expedition. She alone can translate the papyrus, which directs our heroes through deadly perils (including the Tunnel of Bubbling Death) into the land of the Tuaregs. Opposing them are Vultura, Queen of the Desert, and her Arab ally Cassib, both greedy for the treasure...
Spy Smasher
Prior to the United States' involvement in World War II, the masked vigilante Spy Smasher fights Nazi agents operating within the US, led by the treacherous sabotage leader codenamed The Mask.
Texas Man Hunt
It's WW II and German Reuther has organized local gangs to sabotage the beef supply at the source. Marshal Lee Clark arrives to investigate and joins up with local cowboys Art Davis and Bill Boyd. Lee has a typewritten note from the gang and hopes it can be traced to it's source.
King of the Texas Rangers
Tom King Jr. seeks to discover who murdered his father, a Texas Ranger; the trail leads to a network of Axis spies.
The Texas Marshal
Local "patriot's league" leader secretly kills off ranchers, buys up their estates, which are undermined with tin ore; Marshal and singing cowpoke team up to find villain and motive.
The Lone Rider Crosses the Rio
Tom Cameron (George Houston), aka the Lone Rider, and his faithful sidekick, Fuzzy Jones (Al St. John), flee across the Rio Grande to avoid assassination by crooked lawman Deputy Hatfield, only to have the Mexican cops accuse Cameron of being the notorious bandit El Puma. At Hatfield's behest, they are also accused of kidnapping the local mayor's son, and now the pair must prove their innocence and find a way to stop Hatfield's lawless ways.
Billy the Kid's Range War
Williams is out to stop Ellen Goreham from completing her road that is under construction and is using a man to impersonate Billy the Kid. When Billy sees the wanted posters and learns of the murders he supposedly committed, he sets out to find the imposter. His sidekick Fuzzy is there to help him but his friend Jeff, now a Marshal, is also after him.
Pride of the Bowery
Muggs is tricked into entering a Civilian Conservation Corps camp by Danny in order to get in shape. Muggs resists and battles with the camp captain and with other campers. He also becomes involved in trying to help one of his friends get out of trouble.
That Gang of Mine
A street kid has dreams of becoming a jockey. He gets his chance when he and his gang discover a poor old man who has a championship race horse. The man agrees to let the boy ride his horse in a race, but first the gang must get enough money to pay for the race's entry fees.
Arizona Gang Busters
Arizona Gang Busters is another pre-WWII saber-rattler that finds a band of renegade gunmen, under the pretense of developing an irrigation project for the reclamation of arid desert land, using airplanes and parachute jumpers to gather valuable military information for a European power.
Boys of the City
Street kids get sent to the country, where they get mixed up in murder and a haunted house.
Boys of the City
Street kids get sent to the country, where they get mixed up in murder and a haunted house.
Frontier Crusader
A marshal is sent to clean up a mining town being terrorized by an organized gang that is killing miners and stealing their claims.
Phantom Rancher
Cowboy puts on a black mask and a black outfit to fight a gang of land-grabbing crooks.
Phantom Rancher
Cowboy puts on a black mask and a black outfit to fight a gang of land-grabbing crooks.
East Side Kids
After living all his chilhood in the street, a young boy notices rapidly that crime doesn't pay and that´s why he decides to become a policeman. One day, one of his best friends go in prison for a murder he didn't commit. Immediately the policeman tries his best to release him and prove his innocence.
East Side Kids
After living all his chilhood in the street, a young boy notices rapidly that crime doesn't pay and that´s why he decides to become a policeman. One day, one of his best friends go in prison for a murder he didn't commit. Immediately the policeman tries his best to release him and prove his innocence.
The Sagebrush Family Trails West
The story concentrates on a travelling medicine show maintained by Bobby Clark and his relatives Minerva Urecal, Earle Hodgins and Joyce Bryant. Their progress is impeded when Hodgins is framed on a robbery charge, but Clark uses his fancy lariat to hog-tie the genuine crooks.
Death Rides the Range
The otherwise standard Ken Maynard western Death Rides the Range is distinguished somewhat by a topical slant. The plot concerns a group of spies from an unnamed foreign country (gee, they sure sound German) who head westward to undermine American morale. Into this malaise wanders Maynard, supposedly a rootless cowpoke but in reality an FBI agent. Things begin to heat up when the villains lay claim to a helium well on the property owned by heroine Fay McKenzie. The film's silliest moment occurs in mid-stream, when chief villain Charlie King begins beating up everyone within arm's length, with nary a scratch on his own person.
Death Rides the Range
The otherwise standard Ken Maynard western Death Rides the Range is distinguished somewhat by a topical slant. The plot concerns a group of spies from an unnamed foreign country (gee, they sure sound German) who head westward to undermine American morale. Into this malaise wanders Maynard, supposedly a rootless cowpoke but in reality an FBI agent. Things begin to heat up when the villains lay claim to a helium well on the property owned by heroine Fay McKenzie. The film's silliest moment occurs in mid-stream, when chief villain Charlie King begins beating up everyone within arm's length, with nary a scratch on his own person.
Mercy Plane
Air-race champions "Speed" Leslie and Branda Fowler combine to open a very profitable airplane service that flies patients to other cities for special treatment. Gangsters soon move in and offer to take over, without an invitation.
The Fighting Renegade
El Puma, a Mexican desert guide, escorts an archaeological expedition headed by Professor Lucious Lloyd (Forrest Taylor through the Indian badlands of Mexico. Marian (Joyce Bryant (I)'), the professor;s niece accompanies the party as only she can translate the Aztec writings in the diary of her father, murdered on a similar expedition six years previous. THe professor is murdered by a knife, and the weapon is recognized as the property of El Puma. Magpie (Ben Corbett), a Federal Investigtor, knows that El Puma is really "Lightnin' Bill' Carson (Tim McCoy), a former federal agent who has been missing since Marian's father was slain. The reluctant Magpie believes that his old pal is guilty. Carson sets out to prove otherwise.
The Fighting Renegade
El Puma, a Mexican desert guide, escorts an archaeological expedition headed by Professor Lucious Lloyd (Forrest Taylor through the Indian badlands of Mexico. Marian (Joyce Bryant (I)'), the professor;s niece accompanies the party as only she can translate the Aztec writings in the diary of her father, murdered on a similar expedition six years previous. THe professor is murdered by a knife, and the weapon is recognized as the property of El Puma. Magpie (Ben Corbett), a Federal Investigtor, knows that El Puma is really "Lightnin' Bill' Carson (Tim McCoy), a former federal agent who has been missing since Marian's father was slain. The reluctant Magpie believes that his old pal is guilty. Carson sets out to prove otherwise.
Federal Man-Hunt
By a daring ruse and inside help, Pete Rennick, a noted criminal behind bars on federal charges, escapes from the prison, and all of the law-agencies and local police are out to catch him with roadblocks and every car searched, but the escapee gets away. Bill Hasford, a private detective, investigating a racket finds it leads to the wanted man, and has the biggest adventure of his career.
Unashamed: A Romance
A woman who is in love with her boss entices him to join her at a nudist camp, but his affection soon turns elsewhere.
Unashamed: A Romance
A woman who is in love with her boss entices him to join her at a nudist camp, but his affection soon turns elsewhere.
The Fighting Deputy
The Sheriff and his deputies are after Scar Adams. Scar is the brother of Alice Denton, the girl Deputy Tom plans to marry, and when the Sheriff is wounded she makes Tom refuse the job of Sheriff. But when Scar kills his father, Tom puts on the badge and takes out after him.
Custer's Last Stand
Kit Cardigan seeks the killer of his father...among other plot threads leading up to the famous historical incident.