Jean Negulesco

Jean Negulesco

Nacimiento : 1900-02-26, Craiova, Dolj, Romania

Muerte : 1993-07-18


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jean Negulesco (26 February 1900 – 18 July 1993) was a Romanian-born American film director and screenwriter. Born in Craiova, he attended Carol I High School. In 1915 he moved to Vienna, in 1919 to Bucharest, where he worked as a painter, before becoming a stage decorator in Paris. In 1927 he went to New York City for an exhibition of his paintings, and settled there. In 1934 he entered the film industry, first as a sketch artist, then as an assistant producer, second unit director and in the late 1930s he became a director and screenwriter. He made a reputation at Warner Brothers by directing short subjects, particularly a series of band shorts featuring unusual camera angles and dramatic use of shadows and silhouettes. Negulesco's first feature film as director was Singapore Woman (1941). In 1948 he was nominated for an Academy Award for Directing for Johnny Belinda. In 1955, he won the BAFTA Award for Best Film for How to Marry a Millionaire. His 1959 movie The Best of Everything was on Entertainment Weekly's "Top 50 Cult Films of All-Time" list. From the late 1960s, he lived in Marbella, Spain. He died there at age 93, of heart failure. During his Hollywood career and in his 1984 autobiography, Negulesco claimed to have been born on 29 February 1900; he was apparently motivated to make this statement because birthdays on Leap Year Day are comparatively rare. In fact, 1900 was not a leap year, so there was no 29 February in 1900. Negulesco's autobiography (in which this claim appears) is appropriately titled Things I Did and Things I Think I Did. Description above from the Wikipedia article Jean Negulesco, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia​


Jean Negulesco
Jean Negulesco


Harry es un vendedor de autos británicos Durante un viaje a Francia conoce a una baronesa cuando su Rolls-Royce se avería. Pasan unos días juntos y se convierten en amantes antes de que ella desaparezca una noche, pero Harry no sabe su apellido. El barón contrata a Harry para que de lecciones a su hijo adolescente sobre coches en su casa de campo. Harry descubre a la baronesa de nuevo y su relación continúa. Harry se enamora y le pide a la baronesa que deje al barón.
The Invincible Six
Based on the story "The Heroes of Yucca," The Invincible Six features a ragtag group of jewel thieves who become the unofficial guardians of a small Iranian village. When bandits attack the village, looking for the body of their former leader and his treasure map, the Invincible Six are there to save the day, wooing the local females and frustrating the new leader of the bandits.
La historia más grande jamás contada
Superproducción sobre la vida de Jesús de Nazaret que contó con un extenso y conocido reparto en el que destaca Max von Sydow como Jesucristo. A partir de los Evangelios narra la vida de Jesús en la Palestina ocupada por Roma: su nacimiento en Belén, su infancia en Nazaret, los tres años de vida pública, la Última Cena, la traición de su discípulo Judas, su juicio, crucifixión y posterior resurrección.
En busca del amor
Tres chicas americanas que viven en Madrid se las arreglan para entablar relaciones amorosas, aparentemente infelices, con compañeros.
La vida transcurre tranquilamente en Forza Drago, un pequeño pueblo de la costa siciliana, hasta que aparece Jessica (Angie Dickison), la nueva comadrona. De dulce sonrisa y suaves curvas, la joven deja fascinados a todos los hombres del lugar, razón por la cual las mujeres urdirán un plan para lograr que Jessica abandone el pueblo.
La vida transcurre tranquilamente en Forza Drago, un pequeño pueblo de la costa siciliana, hasta que aparece Jessica (Angie Dickison), la nueva comadrona. De dulce sonrisa y suaves curvas, la joven deja fascinados a todos los hombres del lugar, razón por la cual las mujeres urdirán un plan para lograr que Jessica abandone el pueblo.
Mujeres frente al amor
Aventuras y desventuras de cuatro mujeres que desean el triunfo profesional en una empresa de publicidad para hacerse un hueco entre los hombres dentro del mundo de las finanzas.
Count Your Blessings
Englishwoman Grace Allingham marries Frenchman Charles Edouard de Valhubert, but their marriage quickly becomes unusual. Because Charles cheats on her and lives away from his family out of professional obligation to his government, Grace ends up raising the couple's son, Sigismond, on her own. Grace and Charles are finally reunited after nearly a decade apart, and, while they seem headed for a permanent split, there's still a spark between them.
Una cierta sonrisa
Dominique, una estudiante parisina, que tiene un novio llamado Bertrand, se va a la Riviera a pasar unos días con su tío Luc, que está casado con la bella Françoise. Pronto se siente fuertemente atraída por él y empieza un romance entre ambos.
Sombra enamorada
El físico Bill Beck se casa con Julie, la recepcionista de un médico. Tras cinco felices años de matrimonio, ella se entera de que padece una grave enfermedad cardíaca. Temiendo dejar solo a Bill a causa de su prematura muerte, decide adoptar a Hitty, una dulce y fantasiosa huérfana.
La sirena y el delfín
Fedra, una joven pescadora de esponjas del mar Egeo, descubre una estatua que representa a un niño cabalgando sobre un delfín.
The Dark Wave
A young girl, played by Pamela Beaird, normal in every way is affected with severe epilepsy. What happens, in regard to her parents and school friends and their reactions, is shown. In addition, an explanation of the affliction and a demonstration of the treatment involved, both physically and psychologically, are detailed.
Las lluvias de Ranchipur
Edwina Esketh (Lana Turner) llega a la India en compañía de su marido. Poco después conoce al médico de una pequeña localidad, el doctor Safti (Richard Burton), del que acaba enamorándose.
Papá piernas largas
Mientras realiza un viaje por Francia, el millonario Jervis Pendelton conoce a una joven de 18 años en un orfanato
El mundo es de las mujeres
Lo que al principio debía ser una rutinaria elección para ocupar un puesto vacante como director general de una importante firma neoyorquina, se convierte en un auténtico reto para tres candidatos: Jerry Talbot, Billa Baxter y Sydney Burns.
Creemos en el Amor
Tres amigas americanas que se encuentran en Roma, siguiendo la tradición, lanzan monedas a la famosa fuente de Trevi. Las tres piden el mismo deseo: encontrar el amor verdadero. Una de ellas, secretaria en una agencia del gobierno (Dorothy McGuire), consigue ganar el corazón de su jefe (Clifton Webb), un persuasivo novelista. Mientras tanto, su compañera (Jean Peters) se atreve a desafiar las normas de la oficina y empieza a salir con un italiano (Rossano Brazzi), que también trabaja en la agencia. Por último, la recién llegada Maggie McNamara conoce a un auténtico príncipe italiano (Louis Jourdan) del que se enamora perdidamente.
Cómo casarse con un millonario
Tres amigas buscan un marido rico e intentan encontrarlo entre los solteros más adinerados de la ciudad, pero poco a poco se dan cuenta de que el amor es más importante que el dinero. Famosa comedia de la Fox con un espléndido reparto femenino.
La señora Chesney
Un matrimonio de protestantes adoptan a una muchacha católica huérfana. A pesar de algunos problemas iniciales, la niña acabará calando hondo en el matrimonio. El problema viene cuando, por cuestiones políticas, el futuro de la muchacha se ve amenazado.
El hundimiento del Titanic
El Titanic era el trasatlántico más grande de su tiempo, una maravilla de la ingeniería. Sus constructores estaban convencidos de que era insumergible. En 1912 partió del puerto de Southampton con destino a Nueva York. Sus pasajeros eran la flor y nata de la sociedad de aquel tiempo.
Cuatro páginas de la vida
Película basada en relatos del escritor inglés O. Henry. Consta de varios episodios independientes ambientados en Nueva York, a finales del siglo XIX, y presentados por John Steinbeck. Fue rodada por cinco de los mejores directores del momento: Henry Hathaway, Howard Hawks, Henry King, Henry Koster y Jean Negulesco.
Un grito en el pantano
Un hombre, condenado por un delito que no ha cometido, se ve obligado a vivir en un paraje inhóspito y completamente aislado de la civilización.
Revuelta en Haiti
Un joven abogado de Boston, Albron Hamlin, viaja a Haiti en 1802 para encontrarse con Lydia Bailey, cuyas propiedades debe poner en orden. La isla se encuentra en un estado de guerra entre el presidente Toussaing L'Overture y los franceses que intentan volver a apoderarse de la isla. Hamlin encuentra a Lydia y, a pesar del ambiente de guerra y rebelión, se enamoran al tiempo que ayudan a los haitianos contra los franceses.
Llama a un desconocido
Durante un vuelo con destino a Los Ángeles, traban amistad cuatro pasajeros que tienen problemas muy diferentes. A causa de una fuerte tormenta, el avión intenta aterrizar en Las Vegas, pero acaba estrellándose. El único superviviente del grupo decide visitar a las familias de los tres fallecidos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Take Care of My Little Girl
A young woman enters college and learns some hard truths about sorority life, including snobbery and the cruelty of hazing.
The Mudlark
It's 1875 and a young street urchin wants to see Queen Victoria...
Under My Skin
Set in Paris, Under My Skin stars John Garfield as a washed-up jockey who has stolen money from a crooked gambler (Luther Adler).
Regresaron tres
Borneo, 1941, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Cuando los japoneses ocupan la isla, la escritora estadounidense Agnes Newton Keith es separada de su marido e internada con su hijo en un campo de prisioneros dirigido por el enigmático coronel Suga.
The Forbidden Street
Ambientada en la época victoriana, la película cuenta la historia de Adelaide, una joven de buena familia que renuncia a todo para casarse con un artista venido a menos. Cuando su marido muere en un accidente, Adelaide es chantajeada por una despreciable arpía que la acusa de haber matado a su marido.
El parador del camino
Obra menor del cine negro que relata la historia de una cantante de un nightclub y su relación con dos hombres que la cortejan. (FILMAFFINITY)
La vida es dura en la granja de Mac Donald en Nueva Escocia y todavía resulta más difícil para Belinda, una joven sorda cuya desgracia se confunde con discapacidad mental. El nuevo médico de la ciudad muestra interés en ayudarla a salir de su silenciosa cárcel.
Deep Valley
A shy California farm girl falls head-over-heels in love with Barry Burnett, a fugitive from a chain gang building a road through the wilderness.
De amor también se muere
Helen Wright (Joan Crawford) es una seductora mujer que siempre consigue lo que quiere: vestidos, hombres, joyas... Un día conoce a Paul Boray (John Garfield), un joven y brillante violinista, que no se deja manipular. Al contrario: en esta ocasión y, por primera vez, Helen es víctima de su amor por un hombre.
Nadie vive para siempre
Un estafador se enamora de una rica viuda a la que pretendía desplumar.
Tres extraños
Según una antigua leyenda, si varios desconocidos piden a la vez un deseo al ídolo chino Kwan Yin, éste abre los ojos y los hace realidad. Crystal Shackleford decide averiguar qué hay de cierto en todo esto. Para ello, reúne en la calle a dos extraños con problemas diferentes y les propone pedir un deseo la noche en la que comienza el nuevo año chino.
The conspirators
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundiial (1939-1945), el holandés Vincent Van Der Lyn, se ve obligado a huir a la neutral Lisboa para escapar de los nazis. Allí conoce a un pequeño grupo de conspiradores, cuyo líder Ricardo Quintanilla, que sabe que entre ellos hay un espía de los nazis, pide ayuda a Van Der Lyn para identificar al traidor.
La máscara de Dimitrios
Un escritor holandés que cultiva el género policíaco investiga el misterioso pasado de un personaje que fue ladrón, asesino y espía. Sus averiguaciones lo sumergen en una intriga que lo lleva a numerosos países, entre ellos Turquí­a, donde apareció el cadáver del criminal.
Roaring Guns
Farmers take up arms against miners whose high water pressure mining operations are destroying their farms with mud and water runoff.
Over the Wall
A prison Chaplain is forced to leave his post for health reasons, but fate provides him with another chance to reform an escaped convict.
Food and Magic
A sideshow barker uses magic and visual aids to alert the public that proper food management is both a resource and a weapon that could be to America's advantage if conserved properly in winning the then current World War.
Cavalcade of Dance
Ballroom dancers Veloz and Yolanda perform the various dance fads of the first half of the twentieth century.
Women at War
Three young women arrive at the Women's Army Corps facility in Fort Des Moines for varied reasons and with different goals. Mary Savage is a war widow who wants to become an officer, farm girl Stormy Hart wants to become involved in motor transport, and Lorna Travis seeks to win the approval of her father, a major general, who has very chauvinist views on the role of women in the military. Intensive training and guidance prepares the three to make a contribution to the success of the upcoming war games conducted by General Travis and validate the value of the WACS to the war effort.
Hit Parade of the Gay Nineties
Newsreel-type short about music from the 1890s making a resurgence in the '40s
All Star Melody Masters
Cole Porter times three! Al Kemp and His Orchestra swing "Begin the Beguine," Emil Coleman and His Orchestra sell us "Just One of Those Things," and Skinnay Ennis and His Orchestra love some "(Let's Do It) Let's Fall in Love."
Three Cheers for the Girls
This short film showcases six production numbers from various Warner Bros. musicals.
Ozzie Nelson and His Orchestra
Ozzie Nelson leads his orchestra in two standard numbers, and Ozzie performs two novelty songs.
The United States Navy Band
The United States Navy Band, conducted by Lieutenant Charles Brendler, performs naval and patriotic numbers on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
The United States Service Bands
This patriotic wartime short showcases the service bands of the U.S. Army, Army Air Force, Marines, and Navy.
The Voice That Thrilled the World
This short traces the history of sound in the movies, beginning with French scientist Leon Scott's experiments in 1857. Featured are snippets from early sound pictures.
The United States Army Band
On the soundtrack, the US Army Band plays strains of "You're in the Army Now" and a full version of "The Caissons Go Rolling Along" as the films shows us a convoy of trucks and soldiers at work. Then, we go to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where we see and hear the Band play "Aura Lee," "Pack Up Your Troubles," and "It's a Long Way to Tipperary." Band members also sing the latter songs, but "Love Me Tender" isn't a number one song yet, so "Aura Lee" just gets a musical treatment. The film concludes with "Over There," played and sung, as we see news footage of the Army rolling in to Paris.
Borrah Minevitch and His Harmonica School
Borrah Minnevitch and His Rascals play popular songs on their harmonicas.
The United States Marine Band
The US Marine Corps Band and chorus perform several songs associated with the Marines and the Navy. As the songs are played, we see monuments in Washington, DC, various battle scenes, planes in flight, and other scenes designed to instill patriotism in the audience.
Six Hits and a Miss
A musical which begins with six men and a woman singing; then a dance number; finally, the six men and woman sing again.
Glen Gray and the Casa Loma Orchestra
The popular dance band plays four songs.
Spanish Fiesta
The Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo perform a ballet to Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's Capriccio Espagnol.
The United States Army Air Force Band
The United States Air Force Band and Chorus perform on the National Mall in Washington.
Calling All Girls
The process by which girls are chosen for chorus line members in movie musical is shown. Numbers from popular 1930s musicals are then presented. These include "Don't Say Goodnight" from Wonder Bar (1934); "Lullaby of Broadway" from Gold Diggers of 1935 (1935) ; "Shadow Waltz" from Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933); and "By a Waterfall" and "Shanghai Lil" from Footlight Parade (1933).
The Gay Parisian
En un parisino café, en la época dorada del cancán, un joven ingenuo y entusiasta, llega de Perú con dos maletas llenas de dinero. Al tiempo, cae enamorado de una vendedora de guantes, quien recibe las atenciones de un barón. El barón tiene, a su vez, una admiradora adicional, la florista, que rivaliza con la vendedora de guantes...
A Ship Is Born
This Vitaphone 'Technicolor Special' (production number 8001) portrays the behind-the-scenes story of the building and manning, during World War Two, of the USA supply line to Victory against the Axis powers, the United States Merchant Marine service.
At the Stroke of Twelve
This entry in Warner's "Broadway Brevity" series of shorts is based on Damon Runyon's short story, "The Old Doll's House". Racketeer Lance McGowan, on the night he has decided to go straight, finds himself caught between the gunfire of two rival gangsters and, wounded by a bullet, he finds refuge in the home of a wealthy recluse. One of the gangsters is found riddled with bullets from the gun Lance dropped while making his escape, and he is arrested and tried for murder. The reclusive widow comes to the trail and testifies that Lance was her guest that night when the clock struck twelve, the time of the killing. Lance, while innocent, is also lucky, as the widow had her all her clocks set to always strike twelve, as the time her husband had died.
Those Good Old Days
Young Gloria's father and mother go out for the evening to see a television broadcast. Gloria's grandfather entertains her with stories about his days in vaudeville.
Hal Kemp and His Orchestra
Hal Kemp leads his orchestra in four popular songs.
Singapore Woman
A fallen woman seeks redemption at a Singapore rubber plantation. Melodrama.
Cliff Edwards and His Buckaroos
In this musical short, Cliff Edwards and his cowhands run a struggling dude ranch. When a pretty girl arrives, Cliff believes she is an heiress.
Skinnay Ennis and His Orchestra
Skinnay Ennis leads his orchestra as they play "Three Little Words," "Let's Do It," and "Birth of the Blues". He also sings his composition "A Boy, A Girl and the Lamplight."
Henry Busse and His Orchestra
This one-reel musical short, part of the WB/Vitaphone Melody Master series, features the music of trumpet-player and orchestra leader Henry Busse and his Orchestra, playing their own arrangements of various popular songs of the time...or in the Warners' song library. Those include "Wang Wang Blues," "Hot Lips" and "Along the Santa Fe Trail."
The Flag of Humanity
The story of how Clara Barton helped found the American Red Cross.
The Flag of Humanity
The story of how Clara Barton helped found the American Red Cross.
Ciudad de conquista
Nueva York. Un camionero (James Cagney) decide hacerse boxeador para ayudar a su hermano que se dedica a la música (Arthur Kennedy), pero a un gángster sin escrúpulos no le gustará la idea.
El halcón del mar
Second Unit Director
Clásico del género de piratas en el que un pletórico Errol Flynn interpreta a un bucanero inglés del siglo XVI al que la reina Isabel I concede patente de corso para abordar la flota española y atacar y saquear sus ciudades en el Nuevo Mundo. Las autoridades españolas elaboran un plan para acabar con el temido pirata. El maestro Curtiz deja su sello con una perfecta narración y espectaculares batallas navales.
Alice in Movieland
In a U.S. town that could be anywhere, 18-year-old Alice Purdee wins a free trip to Hollywood. With the assistance of a cheerful porter, she takes the night train and dreams about her arrival. Instead of instant success, she meets disappointment after disappointment, and she needs the unexpected encouragement of her grandmother and an aging, former star whom she meets at a talent night. Finally, she gets a call to be an extra, and she's so hopeful that the regulars decide to make a fool of her. Is this the end of Alice's dream? Not if the porter has anything to say about it.
Diabolical French capitalist Paul Reynard is forced to leave Irene, his bride of one year, when he is arrested for the crimes of forgery and embezzlement and sentenced to a penal colony off the coast of South America.
Quesos y Besos
Stan y Ollie son vendedores de trampas para ratones que esperan mejores negocios en Suiza, con la teoría de Stan de que debido a que hay más queso en Suiza, debería haber más ratones.
The Beloved Brat
Roberta Morgan is being raised in a wealthy home where her mother is occupied with her society-club activities and her father is immersed in his business activities. She also feels that the household staff is against her and that no one understands her needs and problems. Things spiral out of control.
Expensive Husbands
Unable to get work in her home country, Laurine Lynne (Beverly Roberts) travels to Vienna where her press agent, Joe Craig (Allyn Joslyn), convinces her to marry royalty. The lucky fellow is Prince Rupert (Patric Knowles), an impoverished nobleman now working as a waiter. Do the two of them fall in love despite this marriage of convenience?
Crash Donovan
A California Highway Patrolman gets involved with a smuggling ring.
Esta es la noche
Technical Supervisor
Un campeón olímpico de jabalina monta en cólera cuando se entera de que su mujer está coqueteando con otro hombre. Esto llevará a una serie de situaciones comprometidas que se desarrollan en ciudades tan sofisticadas como París y Venecia.