Vika, de 14 años, vive en una pequeña ciudad de provincias de la región rusa de los Urales. Recolecta frutos del bosque que crecen en los humedales y ayuda a su madre a venderlos en un mercado callejero. Le gustan las clases de coreografía de la escuela. Y tiene un bebé del que nadie debería saber nunca nada.
After getting fired from the police department, Roman Shilov wants to spend some time in personal affairs. But he gets a call from a wife of Michael Krasnov, who in past provided evidence, which helped to put into jail a dangerous killer. Now Nadya Krasnova tells Shilov that Michael has been kidnapped by unknown persons. Shilov goes to help his old friend and gets nvolved in the criminal events.
The main characters are ordinary 30-year-old men who live in an ordinary Russian village, where it is always bad to work, where there is always no money, where they drive moonshine, for which they pay with food or firewood. They did not study at institutes, do not speak foreign languages, do not understand politics and consider the words “Internet” and “glamor” as curses. For such words, they can give in the face. They see life mainly on the TV screen. Yes and that - black and white.