Charles den Tex


Bellicher: Cel
Michael Bellicher wakes up one morning to find out that his identity has been stolen. Soon he learns that the perpetrator is using his stolen ID for all kinds of illegal action. Michael tries to find out who is behind all this, when, to his horror, his credentials show up at the scene of a big terrorist attack. Suddenly he is public enemy number one…
Cuando un buque se hunde frente a las costas de Argentina, Ellen Brachman, una inteligente y ambiciosa asesora para las reclamaciones de la compañia aseguradora Europea Hayward, vuela a Argentina para probar que la reclamación de 58 millones de dólares es falsa. Allí pasa a ser envuelta en una peligrosa red de engaño, mentiras, asesinatos y amores.