Bert Struys


The Little Shipowner
A film made for television, based on the book of the same name by Libera Carlier. A Flemish family decides to spend the summer holidays on de Schelde. Father Janssen buys a second-hand boat and together with his wife and two sons he sets sail. What follows is a sequence of pleasant moments and disappointments, watched by the sceptical mother Janssen.
Na de liefde
Printing house director
The antiques shop Gerard owns should help him to get rid of his financial problems. He dreams of writing the most important Dutch novel ever. Unfortunately he spends money like water. As a result he is constantly broke. His sister Ingrid is married to Pierre. She wants a child but he refuses. While Gerard is willing to consider leading a normal life, a wish mainly expressed by his parents, Ingrid's marriage falls apart.
Ad vitam aeternam
A man remains dazed and confused after his wife's death. Strange things start happening in his house. The next day the undertaker comes to collect the body.
Eric, oficial de la reina
Resistance Leader
Las vidas de Erik Lanshof y cinco de sus amigos más cercanos toman rumbos diferentes cuando el ejército alemán invade los Países Bajos en 1940: lucha y resistencia, miedo y resignación, colaboración y alta traición.