Esther Valding

Esther Valding


Esther Valding


La vie, l'amour, tout de suite
Julie would have given up all her dreams if she had listened to the doctors, her parents and others: the disease was threatening to suffocate her lungs. But the sixteen year old did as she pleased, devouring life to the fullest. Madly in love with her first flirt of the same age, she falls pregnant with him and decides to keep the baby. She hides her pregnancy from her parents, from the doctors, and come what may. Julie has defied the adult world, armed with a conviction in the form of a lesson for all: it is because life can be short that it must be intense.
Sam, 17, is in High School, almost like any kid his age... His only difference is his wheelchair. He grew up with his mother, Nina. The arrival of Vincent, a new kid in school, will change a lot of things for Sam. He will make Sam realize the injustice surrounding him and his group of friends: Lila (with Asperger syndrome) and Tom (death). Together, they 'll create a gang to denounce the lack of consideration they endure every day. Far from feeling like victims, they hope to raise awareness by striking hard.
Simone, la mujer del siglo
Marceline Rozenberg (16 ans)
El destino de Simone Veil, su infancia, sus luchas políticas, sus tragedias. El retrato épico e íntimo de una mujer con un recorrido vital fuera de lo común que revolucionó su época defendiendo un mensaje humanista que pervive hasta hoy.