Director of Photography
A film about the destructive power of war, about mental destruction and the effects on future generations.
Camera Operator
Aunque Hitler y Stalin nunca se encontraron cara a cara estuvieron obsesionados el uno con el otro durante toda su carrera. Su enemistad rompió radicalmente con toda relación precedente entre ambas naciones. Por primera vez este documental hace un doble retrato de ambos dirigentes y de la intensa lucha que mantuvieron separados por miles de kilómetros de distancia. Al profundizar en el material de archivo de batallas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial procedentes de Moscú, Leningrado, Stalingrado y Berlín, se puede sacar la conclusión de que el conflicto entre Alemania y la U.R.S.S. tomó un cariz personal entre ambos dirigentes que recrudeció la lucha hasta límites insospechados. Ambos eran radicalmente opuestos en cuanto a ideología, pero estaban hermanados en cuanto a crueldad y sed de sangre. -información de la distribuidora
Director of Photography
As soon as the former truck driver has crossed the various bridges over the Elbe, he would preferably turn around immediately and return home, to the Steinburg district in Schleswig-Holstein. There he’s been converting an old farmhouse for himself and his small family for ten years now. In the end, he sees himself rewarded by the beauty of the living space. Yet he is not just content, but also discontent. With friends, he undertakes a boat ride on board the “Kehrwieder” into the rough Danish waters.
A portrait of a family in Berlin in the late 1970's, this film focuses on the mother.
A documentary which looks at Heartfield primarily as a political activist working in a specific historical context. It demonstrates this relationship by the use of documentary material, such as archive footage of inter-war Germany, in juxtaposition with Heartfield's works.