Executive Producer
As our profit-driven food systems crumble and our planet rapidly becomes unlivable, a group of global visionaries – activists, farmers, doctors, and scientists – lead extraordinary efforts to ensure a healthy, equitable, and sustainable food future.
Angry Movie-Goer
Eva, madre divorciada y masajista a domicilio, se enfrenta a la inminente marcha de su hija a la universidad. En una fiesta conoce a Albert –dulce, divertido y también con síndrome del nido vacío– y y a Marianne, una poetisa que se convierte en su amiga.
Additional Music
The writers are on strike and Scrooge is not giving up a penny, until he is visited by three Hollywood spirits!
The writers are on strike and Scrooge is not giving up a penny, until he is visited by three Hollywood spirits!
The writers are on strike and Scrooge is not giving up a penny, until he is visited by three Hollywood spirits!
The writers are on strike and Scrooge is not giving up a penny, until he is visited by three Hollywood spirits!
Tiny Woody
The writers are on strike and Scrooge is not giving up a penny, until he is visited by three Hollywood spirits!
Handwriting Expert
In his first made-for-TV movie, Ned just wants to hang with the girl of his dreams. The only problem is he doesn't know if that girl is Suzie or Mose. Mose just wants to check out the world famous "Wild Boy" painting. Hopefully she can do that before it's ripped off by a group of international art thieves. And Cookie just wants to be a real life superhero. Will the gang live happily ever after?
Rebecca es una joven que ha sido traicionada por su novio y decide emprender la búsqueda del amor verdadero, siguiendo los designios de una pitonisa.
Tennis Clerk
Jane, a formerly suicidal Los Angeles waitress, decides her life does have meaning after all when she finds a gun that was thrown away after a convenience store robbery, starting a life of crime.
Friday's Control Booth Director
Cuando Andy Kaufman era un niño ya le gustaba organizar espectáculos de variedades, aunque no tuviera público. De adulto empieza a destacar como humorista y es descubierto por el cazatalentos George Shapiro, que le consigue un papel en "Taxi", una famosa serie de televisión, en la que, gracias a sus dotes cómicas, alcanza una gran popularidad. A pesar de ello, se plantea nuevos retos: con su colega Bob Zmuda crea el personaje de Tony Clifton, su "alter ego"; además, organiza espectáculos de lucha libre entre mujeres que le ocasionan numerosos problemas.