Puppet Master: Furnace Leech Woman es la tercera película derivada en solitario (las dos primeras fueron Blade the Iron Cross y Puppet Master: Doktor Death ). La película fue confirmada en el videocast oficial de Fullmoon Features en marzo de 2023. No se sabe mucho sobre la película en este momento, aunque es una película en solitario sobre Leech Woman y continúa después de su desaparición al final de Puppet Master II
Eso si, se dice que fue cancelada
Documentary covering the Universal Inner Sanctum series.
The year is 1996. After the East-Coast West-Coast hip-hop war leaves a notorious L.A. gangsta rapper shot dead, the resurrected thug returns as a relentless killing machine, hellbent on revenge! He's "The Grim Rapper", determined to wipe out the posse that did him wrong by executing his targets with his gruesome weapon of choice: a massive skull-laden boom-box that obliterates anyone in its path with deadly beats blasted straight outta Hell! As the bodies pile up, the streets run red and everyday hustlin' turns into a hip-hoppin' horrorshow!
Associate Producer
A newly produced, feature-length documentary by filmmaker Daniel Griffith, featuring interviews with John Landis, David Naughton, Joe Dante and more
A newly produced, feature-length documentary by filmmaker Daniel Griffith, featuring interviews with John Landis, David Naughton, Joe Dante and more
A documentary about the direct-to-video horror hits of the 90s.
Documentary that takes a look at the making of Universal's The Mole People
The dead want the red in ZOMBIE LUST: NIGHT FLESH, the 6th skin-ripping offering from FULL MOON'S BUNKER OF BLOOD! This time, we follow The Gore Collector, Molly, and Tape Head as they make their way to the "Desert of Despair" to finally confront the dreaded "Circle of Psycho Surgeons". Deep within the Psycho Surgeons' ruined lair, the trio find themselves in the very same horror hospital that The Gore Collector previously escaped from...but they're not alone! Under the crimson glow of the blood-red desert moon, flesh-eating creatures that now inhabit the structure crawl out, intent on satisfying their unholy urges. Will our heroes escape? SHOULD they escape?
PSYCHO SIDESHOW: DEMON FREAKS takes you deep into a three-ring circus of shock, blasting out a caustic cauldron of clips from such classic Full Moon favorites as LURKING FEAR, DARK ANGEL, SEED PEOPLE, SHRIEKER, THE DEAD HATE THE LIVING and - of course - CASTLE FREAK and frames them with an all new animated narrative. This time, "The Gore Collector" winds his way into a terrifying amusement park from Hell known as the "Karnage Kingdom". And while the crazed carnival coats our characters in bloody horror, our tour guide "Molly" seems to have a method to the madness. What lies beyond this nightmarish wonderland? Tune in to find out!
A brand new retrospective documentary produced by Ballyhoo Motion Pictures and featuring interviews with Cinematographer Gary Kibbe, actor Peter Jason, actor Alice Cooper, composer Alan Howarth, script supervisor Sandy King, visual effects supervisor Robert Grasmere, stunt coordinator Jeff Imada, Carpenter biographer John Muir, film historian C. Courtney Joyner, music historian Daniel Schweiger and Producer Larry Carpenters.
Documentary about the making of Streets of Fire.
This is the first feature-length documentary on legendary director Raoul Walsh. In this 'memoir,' Walsh 'recounts' his career from the silent film era to the tumultuous 1960s. The documentary makes stunning use of rare, personal and production photos and footage, revealing Walsh's extraordinary, adventurous life on and off the set. From his apprenticeship with D.W. Griffith to his discovery of John Wayne and Rock Hudson, from the innovative 'The Thief of Bagdad' (1924) to the widescreen 'The Big Trail' (1930), from his classic work with Cagney, Bogart and Flynn to his mastery of every genre (musicals, comedies, Westerns, gangster, war), Walsh made Hollywood history. His life is nothing less than the story of Hollywood itself. Here's a full-bodied account of one of Hollywood's greatest legends.
A documentary exploring the importance of revival cinema and 35mm exhibition - seen through the lens of the patrons of the New Beverly Cinema - a unique and independent revival cinema in Los Angeles.
Retrospective documentary on the making of Gorgo (1961).
A documentary about the career of director Jack Arnold at Universal-International Studios. (An early version of this film, only 20 minutes in length, was screened in 2012.)
Lab Tech #2 (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
A quirky anthology, consisting of four separate short films connected by host segments. The first one, BOOGIE WITH THE UNDEAD, has an all girl rock band booked to play a gig in a town overrun by flesh-eating zombies. In the second one, THE DEVIL'S DUE AT MIDNIGHT, a coven of beautiful witches conjure up Brad Dourif as The Devil, and endures the inept attacks of witch killer Ken Foree. In the first long segment, HER MORBID DESIRES, an actress gets the lead role in a vampire movie, only to discover that starlets are being murdered on the set. The other long segment, CRY OF THE MUMMY, has the reincarnated mummy, formerly the last Pharaoh of the 4th Dynasty, looking to sue the movie studios because he can't get work as a mummy. His new lawyer offers to represent him as an agent, but the mummy will only work in film if he can direct.
Gimme Skelter is the story of Charles Manson's illegitimate son who has decided to start a family of his own. Like his father, this family will thrive on murder and sex, culminating in one night of complete chaos.
A look at 4 of the best Chan films and the careers of many of the actors in them.
Hilarity ensues when friends Jeff and Derek try to enter the world of back bar wrestling; where the most beautiful girls could beat the tar out of both of them without a second thought. Even with a little help from the notorious Buckle Girls, can Jeff survive a fight against Switchblade Rick for not only the title, but the heart of the girl he loves?
In this horror anthology edited from older Full Moon releases, three tales of terror are told. In "ASCENT FROM HELL" ('Dark Angel: The Ascent') an young demon female escapes Hell and comes to Earth where she becomes the punisher of sinners. "INFINITE EVIL" ('The Lurking Fear') a race of cannibalistic genetic creatures live below a cemetery and hunt humans for food. In EVIL NEVER DIES ('Talisman'), the Black Angel is summoned from his resting place to bring about the end of the world. Written by Wallace Entertainment
Esta historia de terror comenzó cuando Andre Toulon, un bonachón creador de juguetes, se convirtió en el maestro de un grupo de marionetas asesinas. Es un cuento de brujería, muerte, resurrección y venganza mortal contado por Eric Weiss - un niño que fue rescatado de las SS de Hitler por Toulon. Weiss, ahora un adulto, ha pasado su vida intentando perfeccionar el secreto de Toulon para dotar de vida a lo inanimado. Maclain irrumpe en el laboratorio de Weiss, le dispara y le tortura, pero Weis nunca revelará el secreto. El cuento prosigue, mezclando nuevo material con flashbacks de las cintas previas de la serie Puppet Master, entrando en una batalla del mismo modo que lo hacen Weiss y Maclain. El nuevo maestro de marionetas permanece desafiante mientras el asesino entra para asesinarle, ignorando que Weiss ha encontrado el secreto y las marionetas de Toulon están preparadas para derramar sangre por su maestro una vez más...
Jayne Ferre necesita salir rápidamente de Los Ángeles. Huye con un millón de dólares en la maleta que ha robado al capo Frank Bianci.Kerry, de dieciséis años, también huye de un traficante de drogas en busca de venganza. Su madre, Emily, decide llevárselo de Los Ángeles. Sus destinos se encontrarán marcándoles para siempre...
Fred tiene el plan perfecto para volverse rico: secuestrar a una famosa actriz de Hollywood y obligarla a rodar una película porno que será transmitida en vivo a través de Internet a millones de cibernautas. Las ganancias recaudadas irán a unas cuentas seguras fuera del país, lejos de la policía y para cuando los descubran estarán a salvo de cualquier sospecha. Para ello recurre a un antiguo compañero de prisión y aun tímido experto en computadoras que requiere dinero para pagar la operación de su pequeño hijo. Juntos forman el equipo perfecto, sin embargo el destino les tiene preparada una sorpresa mortal.
Residents of a half-way house are bombarded by 6 foot long killer scorpions. A horror/comedy homage to the giant mutant bug films of the 1950's. The film was shown at the Frightvision Horror Festival in 2003, but has yet to see release on DVD, Blu-ray, or VOD.
A group of young tourist couples comes across a drug deal gone bad while on vacation.
Detective Hammer
Linnea plays Malicia Tombs, a well-known horror actress who dies in a car accident under mysterious circumstances after leaving the set of her latest movie. Fans and co-workers alike reflect on her life. But someone believes she was murdered and sets out to get revenge for her death!
In a return to the groundbreaking original film's premise, Jack Deth is back - traveling back in time and into the body of his own daughter, Josephine, on a mission to save her life and save the world from the most lethal Trancers yet. Jack/Jo must adapt and survive being a girl while avoiding many assassination attempts by more powerful and dangerous zombie-like Trancers than he's ever faced before.
Escaped serial killer James Becket, who killed his own father whose expectations he never fulfilled, but now especially targets his wife Theresa 'Tess' and her family, is too good at disguising himself and other deceit for detective Diffs task force. Only one man proves able to fight back in his league: former cop J.T. Dillon, who was already training Tess in self-defense and becomes her lover. Becket decides to find hiding place by kidnapping Diffs wife, and thus enforce a final show-down.
Un grupo de jóvenes adultos acude a una fiesta que resulta ser una trampa de una secta satánica que requiere carne para sus sacrificios. Tras una noche de persecución por miembros enmascarados, las víctimas encuentran refugio.
US Army Investigator John Murphy (now a Lieutenant, although he was a Major in the previous Base movie) has been sent to look into a series of suspicious deaths that have been going on under the watch of Colonel Strauss. After going undercover and infiltrating Strauss's unit, Murphy discovers that Strauss and his men are leading a vigilante gang to dispense 'justice' to those they feel have been wrongly acquitted of various crimes.
Año 2100: 100 años antes, un cataclismo encadenado de eventos ha sumido a la Tierra en la era oscura. La mayoría de las civilizaciones han sido destruídas, y las que quedan están lideradas por el superviviente Martin Rilk. Pero un hombre se niega a caer bajo su yugo, el profesor Noah Brin.
The year is 2030 and two scientists, Felix and Maxine, are about to release their latest creation, Veronica a fully functional pleasure android, out onto the market. Unfortunately, untimely interference from a colleague causes Veronica to be sent back to the year 1998. There she meets Harry Horner and becomes a lingerie model to help his ailing catalogue fetish business. Soon Camilla, Harry's competitor, learns of Veronica and steals her away to make Veronica work for her. Eventually, the two scientists locate Veronica and travel back to 1998 in a bid to rescue her. Harry and the scientists combine forces and rescue Veronica from Camilla's clutches. Veronica makes Harry's business a success and he is able to sell it to and interested buyer. Veronica and Harry have fallen in love and she decides to stay in 1998 along with the two scientists!
Danger faces unsuspecting tourists in Las Vegas as Colonel Nelson goes mad when he is accidentally electrocuted by the very super secret U.S. military tank he is testing, Iron Thunder. He now believes he is in the middle of an actual war and the city of glittering lights is his target. In a desperate attempt to stop him from using the state of the art offensive and defensive technology on board, the head of the Iron Thunder project sends out a Special Forces team, headed by woman who has to deal with a crew that has its own ulterior agendas. Following Nelson's trail of destruction across the desert, they face off in a spectacular battle.
3rd DiCaprio Hitman
Three part horror anthology based on three short stories by H.G. Wells, Mary Shelley, and Rudyard Kipling.
Ma Barker and her sons rob banks, shoot people and wind up at the top of the FBI's Most Wanted list in the 1930s.
La población de Leffert's Corners sufre del ataque de seres sobrenaturales desde hace varias décadas. En este contexto John Martense llega a la población para reclamar la fortuna de su familia.
La población de Leffert's Corners sufre del ataque de seres sobrenaturales desde hace varias décadas. En este contexto John Martense llega a la población para reclamar la fortuna de su familia.
Kate's husband Richard hasn't seen his cousin Harry for 20 years. So when he comes to stay with his fiancee Connie they are welcomed. But Kate senses her family is at risk when they start behaving suspiciously.
Kate's husband Richard hasn't seen his cousin Harry for 20 years. So when he comes to stay with his fiancee Connie they are welcomed. But Kate senses her family is at risk when they start behaving suspiciously.
A team of L.A. detectives hunt down the ringleaders of a sex-slave operation in this thriller.
Película no oficial del Doctor Extraño (Doctor Strange). Una mujer descubre que su vecino es en realidad una poderoso hechicero de la cuarta dimensión, que debe proteger al mundo de la devastación que ocurriría si tomase el control el Doctor Mordrid.
Jack comienza otra vez su vida desde que pasó el último incidente con los Trancers en el pasado. Ahora, de vuelta al año 2247, tiene la orden de salvar Ciudad Ángel de una nueva oleada de Trancers y destruirlos.
Jack comienza otra vez su vida desde que pasó el último incidente con los Trancers en el pasado. Ahora, de vuelta al año 2247, tiene la orden de salvar Ciudad Ángel de una nueva oleada de Trancers y destruirlos.
En Berlín, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el régimen nazi desarrolla una droga que reavivará a los muertos, con el fin de utilizar esto en pro de la guerra. Toulon despierta la sospecha como un disidente nazi, y su secreto es descubierto. Durante una invasión nazi en su hogar, la bella esposa de Toulon promete vengarse con la ayuda de sus títeres animados Pero es asesinada; Toulon desea venganza y sus marionetas ayudaran en esta causa. Logrando escapar a Suecia y posteriormente a América.
An hour-long documentary featuring interviews with various filmmakers who've made a name in the direct-to-video market.
En un futuro no muy lejano, las condiciones académicas en los institutos norteamericanos se han deteriorado de tal forma, que los alumnos son delincuentes que campan a sus anchas por las instalaciones. La última solución son profesores preparados para la guerra.
El padre Thomas McCain no siempre fue un hombre de Dios. Hace ya mucho tiempo fue un hombre de guerra. Cuando salió del infierno de Vietnam empezó una nueva vida con la esperanza de que su pasado se quedara allí. Sin embargo, un viejo compañero de armas le informa que cree haber visto a su hija en el barrio chino de Houston, retenida por la mafia que controla el negocio de la droga de la ciudad. Después de tantos años sin saber nada de ella, McCain tendrá que retomar las armas si quiere disfrutar de una segunda oportunidad.
El espíritu de Charlie Forsythe, un reo que ha sido ejecutado en la silla eléctrica hace 25 años, busca venganza de su carcelero que ahora es el director de la prisión de Creedmore, nuevamente abierta.
Un historiador (Vincent Price) es el anfitrión de cuatro cuentos terroríficos, cada uno de los cuales tiene lugar en su pueblo de Tennesse (Oldfield).
Bar Patron
Jack Murphy es un detective que se ve incriminado en el asesinato de su mujer y su amante, pero el autor del crimen es un psicópata, al que él encerró diez años antes. Acaba de salir de la cárcel y quiere vengarse.
Zombie Wearing Eyeglasses
La epidemia que hace resucitar a los muertos convertidos en seres ávidos de carne humana se ha extendido, llegando al punto en el que varias ciudades han quedado prácticamente desiertas. Los supervivientes deben refugiarse en zonas militares ya que los zombies no dudan en acabar con sus propios familiares... Continuación del clásico de horror de George A. Romero "La noche de los muertos vivientes" (Night of the Living Dead, 1968).
The official feature-length documentary about the rise and fall of Charles Band's legendary Empire Pictures studio.