Otmar Schmid


Himmel über Zürich
Director of Photography
"Soup, soap, salvation." True to this motto, the Salvation Army cares for the marginalized and needy. Officer Fredi Inniger also visits homeless and lonely old people in the city of Zurich. Director Thomas Thümena accompanies Inniger in his busy everyday life with his camera.
Zwischen Himmel und Erde - Anthroposophie heute
This movie is about traditional swiss folkmusic has a lot more to offer than only folklore. "UR-Musig" is about the work and life of mountain peasants in the midst of archaic mountain landscapes. It is about traditional swiss architecture and interior decorations, about peoples and their garbs. There are not many dialogs and no narrator. The pictures speak for themselves. The Swiss Prealps are shown in all four seasons and in all thinkable weathers which make every landscape shot more breathtaking than the other.
Alfred R. - ein Leben und ein Film
The events that lead a man to commit suicide.