Wild Horses tells the story of Mills, an established LA photographer, who returns to her native Nevada following an urgent call from her grandmother informing her that a band of wild horses close to their hearts, faces government roundup. In this story, that spans just one day, cruelty, courage, love and memory collide as two generations of women bear witness to the brutality common to wild horse roundups in the American West. Mills is exposed to a complex issue and follows her heart, choosing to ignore the consequences.
Wild Horses tells the story of Mills, an established LA photographer, who returns to her native Nevada following an urgent call from her grandmother informing her that a band of wild horses close to their hearts, faces government roundup. In this story, that spans just one day, cruelty, courage, love and memory collide as two generations of women bear witness to the brutality common to wild horse roundups in the American West. Mills is exposed to a complex issue and follows her heart, choosing to ignore the consequences.
Production Assistant
Una expedición científica se une a un grupo de una poderosa compañía farmaceútica en la búsqueda de una rara orquídea negra que florece en la profunda jungla de la isla de Borneo. El interés por esa flor se debe a que contiene una poderosa sustancia que alberga los secretos de la eterna juventud, incluso de la inmortalidad. Pero pronto descubren que la orquídea la usan unas serpientes gigantes para aumentar su tamaño y su vitalidad.