Matthew O'Halloran

Matthew O'Halloran


Matthew O'Halloran is a Canadian original music composer for film and television.


Matthew O'Halloran


New Kid Placement Committee
Original Music Composer
Many of our Toronto students have experienced being new at some point: They’ve moved to new schools, new neighbourhoods, and even new countries. They created a story about the difficulties of trying to fit into a new environment while still being true to yourself. By exaggerating the experience for comedic effect, their film puts viewers in their shoes, and shows how overwhelming it can be to be the new kid.
El Nuevo Amor
Original Music Composer
Blake Conway es una joven estudiante de último curso universitario. Aspirante a periodista y aterrorizada por graduarse, debido a las pocas expectativas que tiene en la vida y una deuda estudiantil a la que tiene que hacer frente. Tratará de escribir su historia y la falta de romanticismo que invade su vida para ganar un generoso premio de la universidad.