Mari Hayashida

Mari Hayashida

Nacimiento : 1978-12-29,


Mari Hayashida


Sketches of Life
Yuu Matsuo
Ryota Tanaka, a young man who was struggling to become a manga artist in Tokyo, came back to his hometown in Fukuoka, feeling the limits of his dream. It was a part-time job at the local life extension zoo that introduced Ryota, who was in the old friend's room, without relying on his parents' home. While working with the director Noda and veterinarian Aya Ishii, Ryota knew that this is a rare zoo in the world that puts emphasis on “animal welfare” that puts animal health and happiness first. However, the management of the garden is in a critical situation due to the budget reduction, and Ryota decides to draw a comic again to convey this effort with her own picture...
Riding Uphill
A former pro-baseball player finds his passion again in Keirin, a professional bicycle racing sport.
XXX Kiss Kiss Kiss
Five stories of romance, farewells, bitter love and stolen kisses...
Yoko Taniguchi
Three female idols appear on a television show to investigate an exorcism. An exorcist with psychic powers named Unsui claims that the show’s subjects, the Kaneda family, are cursed by a demon that’s too powerful for him to banish on his own, so he calls in a fellow exorcist to help. Soon, a reckless ghost hunter enters the fray as the three idols witness a series of terrifying events.
Cold Bloom
Industrial Hitachi City is the location for this post-3.11 drama. Still recovering from the tsunami, Shiori receives news of her husband’s accidental death, which marks the start of a personal recovery that mirrors the town’s for Shiori as well as forgiveness of surviving coworker Takumi.
Air doll (Muñeca de aire)
Una muñeca hinchable de tamaño natural vive en un modesto piso de Tokio. Es la única compañía de su solitario amo, un hombre de mediana edad. Él le habla, la baña y le hace el amor cada día cuando vuelve del trabajo. Sin embargo, esta rutina se rompe cuando, de repente, la Muñeca Hinchable cobra vida y con ella un alma. Acaba de nacer y no entiende lo que ocurre a su alrededor, aunque se da cuenta de que existe otro mundo más allá de las paredes del piso. Cuando, por fin, se atreve a salir al mundo exterior, se siente fascinada por todo lo que ve. Conoce a mucha gente, pero nadie es capaz de explicarle qué significa "estar viva". Un día, entra en un videoclub y conoce a Junichi, el vendedor, del que se enamora inmediatamente...
Aquiles y la Tortuga
La obsesión de un joven con el arte lo deja sin un centavo hasta que su esposa alejada lo ayuda.
A cadre of backup dancers is left astray when their star singer moves on with her life and marriage. They each had their own ambition and hope, which subconsciously rested on the star power of the singer. When plan A does not work, they cling to plan B. When that does not work, in an act of desperation, they are assigned to plan C by their agency. A fight and unprofessionalism seems to put the Backdancers on permanent ice.
Route 225
Two kids, fourteen-year-old Eriko and her thirteen-year-old brother Daigo, suddenly find themselves trapped in a parallel universe. Most things are the same as in their own world, but their parents are missing from home and are only contactable when using one particular phonecard.
Beat Takeshi vive la ajetreada, y a veces surrealista, vida de una celebridad del mundo del espectáculo. Pero su doble, Kitano, un cajero de un supermercado, es todavía un desconocido actor esperando su gran oportunidad. Tras cruzar sus pasos con Beat Takeshi en una serie de frustrantes audiciones, Kitano parece caer misteriosamente en un estado de fantasía en el que sobresalen aspectos de la vida real de Beat y de su violenta personalidad en la pantalla. (FILMAFFINITY)
Swing Girls
Mean Housewife at Park
A tale of delinquent and lazy school girls. In their efforts to cut remedial summer math class, they end up poisoning and replacing the schools brass band.