Mark D'Auria


Perhaps seeking a father figure as a result of childhood abandonment, Michael, who's about 35, carries on with older men a mix of affairs, one-night stands, and casual sex in public toilets. Joe, from whom he has recently broken, abuses him; his latest flame, a police detective, ignores him. His and his twin Joey's birthday approaches, and it triggers memories of their childhood and their illnesses at age seven, leaving Michael a bad heart and retarding Joey's mental development. He buys a birthday present for Joey, but in his melancholy, arrives late after his brother is sleeping. His mother still mourns her husband's leaving. A crisis and resolution ensue.
Robot Jox
Reporter #2
50 años después de una guerra nuclear, las dos superpotencias manejan las disputas territoriales de una manera diferente. Cada uno tiene un robot gigante para pelear batallas uno contra uno en partidos oficiales, cada uno pilotado por un hombre adentro, conocido como robot jockeys o jox. La contienda por la posesión de Alaska será peleada por dos de los mejores. El consciente Aquiles lucha por los estadounidenses. Opuesto a él está un ruso, Alexander.