Tania Singer

Nacimiento : 1969-12-08, München, Germany


Del stress a la felicidad
Alejandro es un hombre común, en el año 2018 tiene una oportunidad única: viajar de manera muy cercana junto a un monje budista que vivió 50 años en el Himalaya y acompañó a los maestros más reconocidos del budismo tibetano.
Upper Story: On the Road to Well-Being
Today, over 10% of the global population suffers from mental health problems. This documentary reveals three decades of collaboration between Western scientists and Buddhist scholars. The meeting of their minds and scientific research reveals how mental training techniques can help us develop well-being, become more compassionate and ultimately improve the impact we have on our planet, and how humanity is much more deeply connected that we would ever think.
The Silent Glow
New forms of manipulation and the inundation of stimuli from new media pose a great risk to children’s mental health. Finally, society has started to respond. A secular culture of consciousness is arising: meditation and new forms of resilience and mindfulness training have formed part of the curriculum in many of Europe’s schools. Can systematic inner development genuinely enable young people to take responsibility – for their own lives, for society and for the world? Can openness, compassion and an ethical attitude in children be increased by mental training?
La revolución del altruismo
Durante generaciones, hemos creído que el ser humano se movía por un despiadado interés propio. Sin embargo, existen razones biológicas para creer que la cooperación puede vencer al egoísmo.