

Space Monster DEMEKING
Kameoka's father
Junior high school student Hiroshi, who will only play with younger children, meets the young, taciturn Hachiya as he rides his bike. Shortly after, a strange friendship begins to blossom between them. But then Hachiya disappears, leaving behind only the puzzling words, "I am going to fight Demeking."
The King of Minami 19
The Bleep Brothers
Tatsuo and Ikuo have been raised by hard-working parents who run a funeral home. For relief, they practice games of manzai, a Japanese comic vaudeville. Tatsuo grows up to be a handsome chick magnet, while Ikuo is nerdy and unappealing. He spies on his brother to get material for their reality porn show. The show is bleeped heavily, and their bleep language becomes trendy and makes them stars.