Troy Bogert

Troy Bogert


Troy Bogert
Troy Bogert


Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible
Se basa en las experiencias asombrosas de individuos con poderes extrasensoriales que parecen desafiar las leyes de la física conocidas por el hombre hoy en día. La productora y presentadora Caroline Cory, que tiene su propia amplia experiencia en el campo de los estudios de la conciencia y la percepción extrasensorial, lleva a los espectadores a un viaje extraordinario para lograr pruebas tangibles y mensurables de estos fenómenos aparentemente milagrosos. A través de una serie de demostraciones y experimentos científicos innovadores, los espectadores se encontrarán conectando los puntos sobre la verdadera naturaleza de su propia conciencia, la relación entre la mente y la materia y descubrirán si viven en una matriz simulada o si pueden tener control sobre su estado físico. realidad y crear una experiencia humana satisfactoria.
ET Contact: They Are Here
ET CONTACT: THEY ARE HERE documents the jaw-dropping stories of individuals from around the world who share similar accounts of extraterrestrial and otherworldly encounters. Producer and host Caroline Cory, who has her own extensive history with the supernatural, takes the viewers on an extraordinary journey to uncover whether these seemingly independent yet parallel reports may actually be scientific evidence of a greater phenomenon at work. Through a series of groundbreaking on-camera experiments on human DNA, and interviews with leading scientists, viewers will find themselves pondering the nature of their own reality or yet the true origin of the human species. ET CONTACT may ultimately show that the traditionally unexplained is, in fact, far more attributable to science than fiction. NOTE: This film has been released in some territories under the title: "Among Us".
Among Us
Based on the jaw-dropping contact accounts of individuals from around the world, AMONG US explores the suspicious phenomenon of non-human presence on Earth, from angels to ETs, and unveils the many ways they may be interacting, communicating and transferring subliminal information into our consciousness and potentially our DNA. The film ultimately shows that the interconnectedness of all species may be beneficial and most likely inevitable for the evolution of an intelligent universe. This film has been released in some territories under the title: "ET Contact: They are here".
El imperio de los sueños. La historia de Star Wars
Star Wars cambió para siempre la manera de hacer, ver y oir el cine, transformó al propio Hollywood e influyó en toda una generación. Este documental de dos horas y media de duración revela el trasfondo de la serie de películas independientes con más éxito de la historia. Es la saga de un “outsider” de Hollywood llamado George Lucas, y de una serie de películas de bajo presupuesto, hechas realidad a base de trabajo y dedicación, que reescribió la reglas de la cinematografía. Es la historia de un cineasta independiente que tuvo que innovar e inventar una forma completamente nueva de crear películas.
Bird by Bird with Annie: A Film Portrait of Writer Anne Lamott
Assistant Editor
From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Freida Lee Mock, ‘Bird by Bird with Annie’ offers an intimate portrait of a writer and her craft, interweaving the story of Anne Lamott's life—in itself a deeply moving tale of addiction and redemption, grief and joy, intellect and faith—with a year's worth of interviews, public lectures, and footage of the writer at work, focusing particularly on Lamott's candid, humorous, and disarmingly straightforward advice on the struggles and joys of writing. The author's reassurance and guidance concerning the process of writing—which has little resemblance to its glorified image—becomes a stirring call to action celebrating the potential of each individual, the silencing of our inner critics, and the courage to create something honest and meaningful. Poignant and inspirational, ‘Bird by Bird with Annie’ takes us deep into Anne Lamott's intoxicatingly brave world, one in which writing is a means of finding out who we are, how we live, and why we're here.
The Mystery of Edgar Allen Poe
Production Office Assistant
Descend into the dark world and tragic life of the melancholy author who is the uncontested master of the macabre, and hear excerpts from his famous works.