Wilford Lloyd Baumes


The New Love Boat
Original Series Creator
Guest stars include Georgia Engel as a stowaway, Gary Frank and Melanie Mayron as a pair of tremulous honeymooners, Stella Stevens and Pat Harrington as an eternally bickering married couple, and Audra Lindley and Phil Silvers as, respectively, an outspoken middle-aged lady and a woebegone widower.
La bestia de las nieves
Un antiguo campeón de esquí, Gar Seberg, vuelve junto a su esposa, a su viejo hogar en las Montañas Rocosas. Pero allí están desapareciendo turistas, brutalmente asesinados por un desconocido animal.
Nightmare in Badham County
Two UCLA coeds have engine trouble in small Southern town. When they spurn the local sheriff's advances he arranges for them to be taken to the women's prison on trivial charges (the judge is a cousin), where they must endure atrocities at the hands of the administrators of the prison and the prison guards.
Dawn: Portrait of a Teenage Runaway
Associate Producer
15-year-old Dawn runs away from what she feels is an intolerable home life. In the big city, she ends up turning to prostitution when she is unable to get a job due to her age. She meets Alexander, a young male hustler who takes her in, but when she starts working for a pimp, Alexander becomes a target.
Who Is the Black Dahlia?
Executive Producer
In 1947 Los Angeles, a police detective tries to solve the shocking and grisly murder of 22-year-old aspiring actress Elizabeth Short.
Los muertos no mueren jamás
Executive Producer
La historia comienza en la penitenciaría del Estado de Illinois donde Ralph Drake está a punto de ser ejecutado por el asesinato de su esposa. La última voluntad de Ralph es que su hermano, Don, limpie su nombre y encuentre al verdadero asesino. Esta búsqueda le sumerge en el mundo de lo esotérico y está él solo, no hay nadie en quien pueda confiar. Pronto se dará cuenta que todo es un maquiavélico plan.
Sorority Kill
A psychotic killer holds six people captive in a sorority house, each of them realizing that their captor's mind is like a defective time bomb and could go off at any moment.