Áron Öze

Áron Öze

Nacimiento : 1970-09-05, Budapest, Hungary


Áron Öze


The Cost of Deception
Juhász Ferenc
When a young, ambitious market researcher finds out her boss is involved in the leaking of a scandalous Prime Minister speech, she decides to investigate the case to gain a position among the big-shots. Based on actual events.
Jubilee Man
Budapest, 1913. Después de pasar su infancia en un orfanato, Irisz Leiter (Juli Jakab) llega a la capital húngara con 20 años y la esperanza de trabajar en la antigua tienda de sombreros de sus padres. Pero el nuevo propietario del negocio la rechaza. Además, la joven tendrá que enfrentarse a su pasado cuando descubre a un hermano que nunca supo que tenía. Su empeño por encontrarlo le lleva a descubrir oscuros secretos mientras el país se prepara para el caos de la Gran Guerra.
P.S.O: In the Name of My Father
Herod Antipas
Jewish rebellers are fighting against subjection and supressors. Broken people are shouting for a leader. The crowd starts to follow a young man, who is speaking in the name of love. The man's name is: Jesus. His rapidly growing popularity fills the govenor and religious leaders with fear and scareness. Pursuit and the world's first show trial starts. The story rolling in modern setup and scenery tells the story of Jesus' life.
Tarics Ákos
Tarics lives almost as a hermit in his own forest, with only his landlady by his side. A mining engineer and his beautiful wife arrive there. The engineer wants to buy the forest for his clients, but Tarics is adamant, even though the mine in the forest would bring great benefits. Rachel, the engineer's wife, can't stand the forest man's stubbornness and decides to reach out and make Tarics fall in love, so that she can humiliate him and blackmail him in order to sell the forest. Florea watches in despair as his master falls more and more into the net of the beautiful woman. However, the tense, exciting game turns into a tragedy... as the woman really falls in love with her victim - and vice versa.
El ángel de Budapest
Adolf Eichman
Budapest, 1944, en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Adolf Eichman dirige la deportación masiva de judíos húngaros al campo de exterminio de Auschwitz. Ángel Sanz-Briz (Zaragoza, 1910-Roma, 1980), un diplomático de la embajada española en Budapest, utilizó todos los medios a su alcance para salvar el mayor número de vidas posible. Para ello, emitió miles de visados y pasaportes que garantizaban la inmunidad de sus portadores, que llegaron a burlar en ocasiones a las autoridades alemanas y a sus colaboradores húngaros. Su actividad cesó cuando, en diciembre de 1944, le ordenaron regresar a España. Había logrado salvar a casi 5.000 judíos. Desde entonces, se le conoce como "El Ángel de Budapest". En 1989 el Yad Vashem nombró "Justos entre las Naciones" a él y sus descendientes.
Well of Silence
Csendkút is a historical film drama made for the fiftieth anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle and dedicated to the poet Attila Gérecz, the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle commemorating his martyrdom.